- We had to divorce ourselves from any personal considerations in that situation. 在那种形势下,我们只得抛开任何个人的考虑。
- Being civil servants, we ought to act in a public spirit and not to at with personal considerations. 作为公务员,我们应当出以公心,而非出以私心。
- He decided to put off all personal considerations and accept the task assigned to him. 他决定抛弃一切个人打算,接受交给他的任务。
- If you have complaints about the leader, you should make them and not let personal considerations get in your way. 对领导有意见就提, 有什么抹不开的
- Duty is more important than personal considerations, he whispers harshly, so long as the Order has need of him. 骑士团还需要他,他严厉地轻声说道,责任比个人的情感更重要。
- Although I am your elder bother, I warn you that I will arrest you , because the law knows no personal considerations. 不要以为我是你哥哥就不敢抓你,要知道法不徇情!
- If he's made mistakes, you should criticize him and not let personal considerations get in your way. 他有错误,就该批评,有什么磨不开的?
- Such retaliation arises from purely personal considerations,to the neglect of the interests of the class and of the Party as a whole. 这种报复主义,完全从个人观点出发,不知有阶级的利益和整个党的利益。
- Such retaliation arises from purely personal considerations, to the neglect of the interests of the class and of the Party as a whole. 这种报复主义,完全从个人观点出发,不知有阶级的利益和整个党的利益。
- To address the problem of how the standard of the Chinese language should be adjusted and maintained,we need to rise above emotion and personal considerations. 到底华文程度该如何调整,要怎么维持,靠的是超越情绪与私利的理想高度。
- The judge is found to have taken bribes, conducted malpractice out of personal considerations, and misused the law in rendering judgment during the trial of the case. 审判人员在审理该案件时有贪污受贿,徇私舞弊,枉法裁判行为的。
- The arbitrator is found to have taken bribes, conducted malpractice out of personal considerations, and misused the law in rendering a verdict in the course of arbitration. 仲裁员在仲裁该案时有贪污受贿、徇私舞弊,枉法裁决行为的。
- Now the best feelings: Acid-base balance in body.No superfluous ideas and personal considerations in mind, not feel any pain. Heart likes static water, feel comfortable. 此刻感觉最好:身体里酸碱平衡。心无杂念,不感到任何疼痛。心如止水,怡然自得。
- To address the problem of how the standard of the Chinese language should be adjusted and maintained, we need to rise above emotion and personal considerations. 到底华文程度该如何调整,要怎么维持,靠的是超越情绪与私利的理想高度。
- As soon as personal considerations slip in, one would be trapped within confusions and would fall a victim oneself, not to mention to relieve others from predicaments. 一渗入私虑,则只有陷入迷惑而自误,更谈不上为他人解困了。
- It is compounded by the necessities of organization structure and such other factors as personality considerations. 它可由组织结构和其他因素(如人格的考虑)的需要加以配合。
- Administrative justice means administrative organs and their personnel are fair and just in hadling affairs, not swayed by personal considerations and treat all on an equal footing. 行政公正指行政主体及其工作人员办事公道,不徇私情,平等对待不同身份、民族、性别和不同宗教信仰的行政相对人。
- Small children, worry no filter, known just happy, not so many ideas and personal considerations, as has been my dream child, but reality tells me: go to sleep it, xing XU day you can dream. 小小孩,无忧无滤,只知开心就好,没有那么多的杂念,成为小孩一直是我梦想,但现实告诉我:去睡觉吧,兴许你白日梦中可以。
- Have attentive person consideration, if with every 100 yuan of amerce calculate, amount is amazing. 有细心人计算,若以每宗100元罚款算,金额惊人。
- They shun personal fame and gains. 他们不计个人名利。