- The research shows that the situation in aspect of noise,the accident endangering related with workobjects,and personal protection measure at the workplaces are particularly critical. 研究表明:企业生产过程中产生的噪声、与劳动对象密切相关的事故隐患以及个人防护措施的问题很突出。
- personal protective measures 个人防护措施
- Wear your personal protective equipment. 个人防护设备,你的最后一道防线!
- We have to take some protective measures. 我们不得不采取预防措施。
- We have to take protective measures. 我们不得不采取预防措施。
- We'd better take some protective measures to ensure its safety. 我们最好采取一些保护性措施来确保它的安全。
- The whole operation has strict saft and protective measures. 整个操作具有严格的安全保护措施。
- Does the factory supply appropriate personal protective equipment to workers? 工厂是否提供给员工适当的个人防护设备?
- NORMAL HANDLING: (Always wear recommended personal protective equipment. 规范指南:(建议穿戴个人防护设施)
- Causes of central segregation and protective measures are described. 论述了中心偏析产生的原因及防止措施。
- Objectives To explore the causes and protective measures post dermatoplasty. 摘要目的:探讨植皮后皮片缺血的原因及防护措施。
- Objective: To explore the causes and protective measures post dermatoplasty. 目的:探讨植皮后皮片缺血的原因及防护措施。
- Personal protective equipment against falls from a height - Retractable type fall arresters. 防止从高处跌落的个人防护设备。收放式防跌落装置。
- Common lightning protection measures often are not sufficient. 通常的防雷措施经常是不充分的.
- Provision of adequate personal protective equipment is a particularly urgent need. 提供充足的个人防护设备是一项特别紧急的需要。
- Assessment of Personal Protective Equipment used in the Company to ensure their availabilities and cost-effective. 对公司劳防用品的使用情况进行评估,以便确保其有效性及经济的花费;
- The State shall take special protective measures for miners working in underground coal mines. 国家对煤矿井下作业的职工采取特殊保护措施。
- Be prepared!! Adequate personal protective equipment must be provided to each employee who may be exposed to HF. 一定要作好准备!!必须为每一个可能暴露在hf中的员工配备足够的个人防护装备。
- Q39:Where can I find additional information on personal protective equipment (PPE)? 问39:还可以在哪里获得更多的有关个人防护用品(PPE)的信息?
- Intensive training courses are being organized for hospital staff to ensure that proper measures for personal protection and infection control are in place. 正在为医院工作人员组织强化培训班以确保落实个人防护和感染控制的妥善措施。