- If I personally test you, you ll be even more different. 如果师父亲身考验,更不一样!
- VCT generates optimism as large numbers of persons test HIV negative. 为大多数检测结果阴性的人带来乐观。
- Test any method you like on your own data because only personal testing will convert information into knowledge and make these methods your own. 你要用你自己的数据来测试这个方法,只有亲自测试才会把信息转变成知识,才会成为自己的方法。
- Unless otherwise authorized or required by law, no HIV test should be performed without informed consent of the person tested. 除法律规定外,如没有本人的同意,不允许进行检查。
- But when police gets involved, asked that square person test is hurt only, and detained my friend and his elder brother directly, exact check hurts fracture of bone of bridge of the nose of eventuate the other side. . 但是警方介入的时候只要求了那方的人验伤,且直接将我朋友和他哥哥拘留了,确切的验伤结果为对方鼻梁骨骨折。。
- I still suggest to use Windows 2000 ENU (English Version), as a personal testing standard platform. 我仍然建议使用Windows2000ENU(英文版),做为个人的测试标准平台。
- So here's my baseball personality test: Are you a chatty first baseman or a sullen shortstop? 所以我自己有个类似的题目:你是个能言善道的一垒手或是严肃的游击手?
- I am not sure whether it is some kind of personality test, since every answer has its reason. 我不清楚这是不是一些人格的测试,因为每个答案都有其原因。
- Cattell 16 PF is an important tool of personality testing . 卡特尔16特征是人格测评的重要工具。
- Nothing could be said in regard to the question that which was the better form of the EPPS as a personality test. 本研究中部分受试者曾同时接受EPPS的强迫选择式和单题评定式两种量表,惟所获资料未能肯定指出何种形式较佳。
- Study participants were first given a personality test that measured extraversion, neuroticism, how open one is to experiences, and how agreeable and conscientious they are. 该研究有1233个参与者,所有的这段时间都居住在德国,大多数参与者都是女性,平均年龄在28岁,年龄跨度13岁到68岁
- They shun personal fame and gains. 他们不计个人名利。
- Every person is accountable for his own work. 每个人都要对自己的工作负责。
- That kind of person is anything but a Marxist. 那种人根本不是马克思主义者。
- He is a very nice person to work with. 他是一个很好共事的人。
- Our reporter was the first person on the scene. 我们的记者是最先到达出事地点的。
- Jim is a warmhearted person to come and go upon. 吉姆是个热心人,可以信赖。
- In dragon boat rowing each person has one oar. 划龙舟时每个人都拿着一枝桨。
- More than 30,000 people in northeastern Japan aged between 40 and 64 were quizzed about their height and weight, and given a personality test, according to a study published in the Journal of Psychosomatic Research. 《身心健康研究》期刊中的一篇论文称,研究人员对日本东北部地区3万多名年龄在40岁至64岁之间受访者的身高和体重进行了调查,并对他们进行了性格测试。
- I didn't expect him to descend to personal abuse. 我没料到他会堕落到对我进行人身攻击的地步。