- a perspective of lakes and hills 湖山远景
- perspective of lakes and hills 山湖之远景
- Surely you cannot forget the mottled green moss on the bridge, the ancient look of its wooden paling, the beautiful tints of lake and hill stealing from under its arches. 你忘不了那桥上斑驳的苍苔,木栅的古色,与那桥拱下泄露的湖光与山色不是?
- My hometown is a watery region, a kingdom of lakes and fountains. 我的故乡是水乡。是湖泊、流泉的国度,
- Daylight disclosed a chain of lakes and rivers in the distance. 晨曦中显露出远处一连串的江河湖泊。
- I like the natural beauty of lakes and mountains in my hometown very much. 我最喜欢家乡的湖光山色。
- boat parking at riverbank, staying on the platform together, viewing scenery of lake and hills faraway, bird scratching water with wings, some brise blowing, without knowing to speak. 小船泊岸,同坐甲板,眺望远山湖景,水鸟时而展翼点水,一些微风,不知说话。
- If the common features of villas are the lakes and hills, then the jokul for the golf course will definitely show you the unique sight. 如果依山傍水是别墅的共性的话,那么依雪山傍高尔夫球场理应是玉龙雪山高尔夫度假别墅的个性。
- John ran to the edge of the lake and plunged in. 约翰跑到湖边,跑进了水里。
- Fozilin Reservior has cliffy hills, jade lake, a beautiful scenery of lakes and mountains, nice views. 佛子岭因修建新中国第一坝、远东第一坝而名扬全中国,蜚声海内外。
- The Mansion beyond Mansions - Being bathed in fresh breeze and under the bright moon, my drunken eyes are inebriated of the surrounding lakes and hills from ten miles afar. 一楼风月当酣饮,十里湖山欲醉眸。
- the view of lake and hill 湖光山色
- In the east of England have some lakes and hill which about 1000 metres .In the west of England is sea ,there are some small village is on the coast. 在英格兰的东部,有一些湖泊和矮小的山丘。这些山大约有1000米高。英格兰的西部傍依大海,岸边有许多小村庄。
- She pulled him out of the lake and gave him the kiss of life. 她把他从湖里拖出来,并进行人工呼吸。
- Lake and hill of Huguangyan support the landscape a fairy land, Cliff and Flower Bridge are dimpled in the mirror water by the bank. 湖光山色拥仙境岩壁水影映花桥。
- An unimpeded sweep of meadows and hills formed a peaceful setting. 绵亘的草原和丘陵形成一片宁静的景色。
- Eutrophication is most important to the water quality of lake and reservoir. 水体富营养化是湖泊和水库面临的主要水质问题。
- I now live with a perspective of great paradox. 我现在带着十分矛盾的看法生活着。
- Whether autochthonous or allochthonous, may be important in the total metabolic system of lakes and streams. 无论是自源的或他源的,在湖泊与河流的总代谢系统中都可能是重要的。
- Get the perspective of a few outsiders. 可以找一些外行人做个调查。