- petiolate cotyledon 具柄子叶
- Hypocotyls Cotyledon petiole Cotyledon Hypocotyls Cotyledon petiole Cotyledon 下胚轴子叶柄子叶下胚轴子叶柄子叶
- Basal leaves forming a rosette, petiolate. 基生叶形成一莲座丛,具叶柄。
- Its cotyledon node zone is telome elongation type. 它的子叶节区类型为顶枝伸长型。
- Leaves short petiolate, dentate. 叶短叶柄,具牙齿。
- Leaves basal, spirally arranged, petiolate. 叶基生,螺旋状排列,具叶柄。
- Basal leaves petiolate, rosulate, simple, entire. 基生叶具叶柄,莲座状,单,全缘。
- A shoot regeneration system from cotyledon of Helianthus annuus L. 油葵子叶外植体不定芽再生体系的建立。
- The soluble protein declined as the cotyledon development. 可溶性蛋白的含量随著子叶的发育而逐步降低。
- Studies on cotyledon node zone in some genera of Ranunculaceae. 毛茛科若干属的子叶节区研究。
- Basal leaves petiolate, rosulate, simple, entire or toothed. 基生叶具叶柄,莲座状,单,全缘的或齿。
- Leaves several, basal, long petiolate, 3- or 5-sect. 叶数个,基部,具长叶柄,3-或5个教派。
- Each seed consist of endosperm and 2 cotyledon embryo. 成熟种子具胚乳,子叶二枚。
- Leaves alternate, petiolate, margin doubly serrate or lobulate. 叶互生,具叶柄,边缘重锯齿或具小裂片。
- Leaves petiolate;leaf blade simple, crenate, often rugose. 叶具叶柄单叶,具圆齿,通常具皱纹。
- Basal leaves 1 or 2, or absent, long petiolate, palmately divided. 基生叶1或2,或无,具长叶柄,掌状全裂。
- Leaf usually 1, basal, long petiolate, palmate, veins dichotomous. 叶通常的1,基部,具长叶柄,掌状,脉二歧。
- Basal leaves long petiolate, linear-oblong, pinnatisect. 基生叶具长叶柄,线状长圆形,羽状全裂。
- Leaves alternate, shortly petiolate, simple, penninerved. 叶互生,短,具叶柄,单叶,羽状脉。
- Leaves petiolate, subulate-serrate, teeth spinescent. 叶具叶柄,钻形的有锯齿,齿具刺。