- petrol pump case 汽油泵壳
- Pump case are welded castings steel and steel plates. 泵壳是由铸钢与钢板焊接而成的。
- The leading products produced have electricity to gush out the series of the petrol pump more than60 kinds of products. 电喷汽油泵性能卓越,耐久稳定,品种齐全,供货及时,企业赢得了市场和客户的信任。
- The petrol pumps have gone metric, ie measure petrol in litres. 汽油加油泵已采用公制了.
- The leading products produced have electricity to gush out the series of the petrol pump more than 60 kinds of products. 电喷汽油泵性能卓越,耐久稳定,品种齐全,供货及时,企业赢得了市场和客户的信任。
- Falling oil prices may bring some relief at the petrol pump, but gauges of chain-stores’ sales suggest that consumer spending is flagging. 下跌的油价会对汽油的消费稍有缓解,但是连锁店销售量的下跌表明消费者的消费能力在萎缩。
- Falling house prices, tighter credit conditions, rising unemployment, as well as higher prices at the petrol pump, all cloud the outlook for consumer spending. 房价下跌,信贷紧缩,失业增加,还有油价上涨,所有这些都为消费者支出罩上了阴影。
- The spindle cannot be unscrewed from the pump case, thus enhacing the functionality in service. 手动轴不能从压力泵外壳上卸下,这样就增强了使用中的功能性。
- Eccentric structure Of impeller and pump casing applied. 叶轮与泵壳偏心布置。
- The pump casing shall be cast iron or cast aluminum alloy volute. 这个泵应该有能力处理淤泥和沙子。
- The company is investigating the cause of the inaccuracy and is carrying out inspections of its other petrol pumps. 该公司正在调查不准确的原因,并展开同一批油枪的检查工作。
- The result of the study shows that the fault information of the valves can be extracted from the vibrational acceleration at the pump case by wavelet transform. 分析研究表明 ,通过对测取的往复泵阀箱上振动加速度信号的小波变换 ,可有效提取泵阀失效的故障信息 ,结合泵阀关闭位置信号的相位分析 ,可较为准确地判别三缸泵任一泵阀的故障。
- petrol pump dispersing nozzle spout 汽油泵配油喷嘴
- In that case you'll have to clear yourself. 那样,你只得自行辩白了。
- The car used a gallon of petrol for the journey. 汽车在路上消耗了一加仑汽油。
- The police faced a mob throwing bricks and petrol bombs. 警察面对一群投掷砖块和汽油弹的暴徒。
- The methods of using ARC macromolecular composite materials to repair the steam piping and crude surface of pumps leaves and pumps case are introduced. 摘要文章介绍水泵叶片、泵壳内壁汽蚀麻面采用ARC高分子复合材料修复的方法和效果。
- The fire blazed up when he poured petrol on it. 他浇上汽油火就熊熊地燃烧起来了。
- In this case, let's start earlier. 既然这样,我们就早点开始。
- He is siphoning out petrol from a tank. 他在从油罐里吸出汽油。