- The Analogy of Petroleum Geologic Conditions Between Bohai Bay Basin and Songliao Basin. 渤海湾盆地和松辽盆地石油地质条件比较
- The west grade block of Liaohe oilfield is characterized by complex lithology,tectonics fracture and petroleum geological condition and small sedimentary coverage. 辽河油田辽河裂谷西部凹陷西斜坡地层岩性复杂,构造断裂破碎情况复杂,沉积范围小,石油地质条件复杂。
- The Oulituo block of Liaohe oilfield is characterized by complex lithology,tectonics fracture and petroleum geological condition and small sedimentary coverage. 辽河油田欧利坨子区块沙三段地层岩性复杂,构造断裂破碎情况复杂,沉积范围小,石油地质条件复杂。
- In addition to the petroleum geologic conditions,the main causes are also related with the properties of near surface sediments and the geographical and geomorphologic landscape conditions. 其主要原因除与油气地质条件相关外,还取决于近地表沉积物的性质,以及地理、地貌的景观条件。
- Chuxiong Basin is a typical reformed basin, which formed during Mesozoic-Cenozoic periods in south of China and has good petroleum geological condition. 楚雄盆地是我国南方具有良好石油地质条件的大中型中-新生代改造型含油气盆地的一个典型代表。
- The Petroleum Geology Conditions of Qiangtang Basin: Favourable or not? 羌塘盆地的油气地质条件有利还是不利?
- Keywords Xuwen Area;Petroleum geologic condition;Oil/gas perspective; 徐闻区块;石油地质条件;油气远景;
- the petroleum geologic conditions 石油地质条件
- Though the petroleum geological conditions are excellent in mid Kuqa, exploration in the area is slow due to poor quality of seismic data. 摘要库车坳陷中部石油地质条件优越,但由于地震资料品质差,制约了勘探进程。
- The exploration in new series of strata and new area of Bohaiwan Basin is concisely reviewed and the petroleum geological conditions are analyzed. 回顾渤海湾盆地新层系新领域勘探简况,分析了新层系新领域的石油地质条件。
- Petroleum Geologic Condition Analysis of Upper-Cretaceous Stratigraphy in Northern Jiangsu Area 苏北地区上白垩统石油地质条件分析
- According to the analyses on structural evolution and sedimentary features,Jiangnan-Xuefeng Structural Belt and its edge possess favorable petroleum geological conditions. 通过构造演化与沉积特征分析,认为江南-雪峰构造带及周缘具备良好的成油气地质条件;
- Shennan anticline, a collapse anticline located in the south of Shenxian depression, has good petroleum geological conditions, where sizable reservoirs have been discovered. 深南背斜是深县凹陷南部的一个塌陷背斜,本区有良好的石油地质条件,已发现了一定规模油气藏。
- Because of the special petroleum geology conditions in China, presently proved reserves were mainly found in Mesozoic Cenozoic strata in the eastern region and were mainly in structural pools. 特定的石油地质条件和勘探阶段导致目前的探明储量,层位上以中、新生界为主,区域上以东中部区为主,类型上以构造油气藏为主。
- The petroleum geological conditions of the basin are comprehensively evaluated from the characteristics of strata, sediments, reservoirs, and source rocks based on carrying out plenty of field work. 在大量野外工作的基础上,从地层、沉积、储层、生油岩特征入手,综合评价了麻阳盆地石油地质条件。
- Petroleum Geology Condition Analysis to the Deep Zone of Bohai Gulf Basin 渤海湾盆地深层石油地质条件分析
- Petroleum geologic conditions in foreland thrust-fold belts in west-central China and proposals for exploration 中国中西部前陆冲断褶皱带油气地质条件及勘探建议
- The layout of underground power house of Baise project is limited by the special geologic condition. 百色水利枢纽地下厂房布置受地质条件的限制性较强。
- Many mining engineering subjects are established on geologic condition of alluvium. 众多矿业工程均建设于冲击地层的地质环境之中。
- Keywords Turpan basin Hami basin Taibei sag Deep zone Petroleum geology Condition Oil and gas exploration Direction; 吐鲁番盆地;哈密盆地;台北凹陷;深层;石油地质学;条件;油气勘探;方向;