- Multi-forward optical phase conjugate wave outputs in Langmuir Blodgelt films[J]. 引用该论文 杜卫冲;章献民;陈抗生;卢兆伦;郑殷东;吴剑钟.
- In order to study laser propagation in inhomogeneous medium, Collins formula was improved by using time inversion characteristic of optic phase conjugation wave. 摘要为了解决非均匀介质中的光传输问题,利用光学相位共轭波的时间反演特性,实现了对克斯林衍射积分公式的改进。
- The Explanation to Which Four - wave Frequenly Mixing Produces Phase Conjugate Wave With Grating 四波混频产出相位共轭波的光栅解释
- A detail study was made on the phase conjugate process in the near degenerate four wave mixing in a nonlinear medium based on solving of the coupled wave equations. 从求解耦合波方程出发,详细研究了非线性光学介质中由近简并四波混频所产生的相位共轭过程。
- Bistable output characteristics of a LiNbO3:Ce phase conjugate resonator[J]. 引用该论文 刘劲松;吴仲康;徐玉恒.
- Optical phase conjugate in Langmuir-Blodgett films of purple membrane[J]. 引用该论文 刘颂豪;杜卫冲;章献民;李庆国.
- The pseudo phase conjugate fidelity analysis of retroreflector array[J]. 引用该论文 侯静;姜文汉;凌宁.
- The experimetal curves about intensity of conjugate wave vs. irradiate time at different pump power is given. 给出了在不同泵浦功率下,共轭波强度随照射时间变化的实验曲线。
- phase conjugation wave 相位共轭波
- The influence of polarization on the phase conjug ate light is analyzed.The gen eration ways of wavelength-shift and wavelength-shift-free phase conjugate li ght are summarized. 偏振态对共轭光的影响及解决方法及产生有频移和无频移的相位共轭光的方式;
- Optics phase conjugate is in a coherent optics new domain, its appearance has greatly opened up the optoelectronic technology application scope. 光学相位共轭是相干光学中的一个新领域,它的出现大大拓宽了光电子技术的应用范围。
- Degenerate Four-Wave Mixing and Phase Conjugation in Nile Blue etc. Nile Blue等染料中的简并四波混频和位相复共轭特性
- Transmissive effect in BaTiO3self-pumped phase conjugators[J]. 引用该论文 唐九耀;华诚.
- Without a phase conjugator, the new architecture is capable of fast self enhancement of the stored gratings by using two temporally modulated plane waves. 该结构包含两块存储内容完全相同的光折变晶体,无需相位共轭器,仅利用两束时域快速调制的平面参考光波便可实现对存储全息图的迅速增强。
- Brillouin enhanced four wave mixing, whose interference beat frequency drives an acoustic field, can improve the SBS phase conjugation fidelity. 采用四波混频加强SBS的方法,其相干拍频驱动声子场,能提高SBS相位共轭保真度。
- Finally, the formula of reflectivity of phase conjugation beam is modified. 最后,对理论上的相位共轭反射率公式进行了修正。
- The electrostrictive force induced by beam interference can drive the acoustic wave,and enhance the stabillty of stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS) phase conjugation fidelity. 光束相干引起的电致伸缩能驱动声子波,从而能加强受激布里渊散射(SBS),提高相位共轭保真度稳定性。
- The phase conjugate reflectivity of four-wave mixing was measured to be higher than 900%;The temperature enhancement of phase conjugation was studied. 它的四波混频相位共轭反射率高达900%25以上,且具有相位共轭波温度增强效应。
- Discussion on theorems of bivariate conjugate wave filter 二维共轭滤波器相应定理的探讨