- Substantiating and enriching the world outlook theory is an effective way of perfecting philosophical method. 充实和丰富世界观理论是完善哲学方法的有效途径。
- The differences of semantic analysis as a philosophical method from that studied in linguistics lie in its universal adaptability,idealization and guidance. 作为哲学方法的语义分析与语言学研究的区别在于其普适性、理想性和指导性。语义分析是从实证主义开始的。
- The method seems good but it needs to be tried out. 这个方法似乎不错,但需要试验一下。
- A pluralistic research method including qualitative, quantitative and philosophical methods should be applied in the process of research. 应该运用包括质性研究、定量研究和思辨研究在内的多元方法开展此类研究。
- He has a philosophic approach to life. 他对待生活非常达观。
- But others, who find Quine's arguments unpersuasive, hold that analytical philosophy has virtues quite sufficient to ensure it a role as a central philosophical method for the foreseeable future. 但是其他一些人发现奎因的主张并没有说服力,坚持分析哲学有相当充分的理由为它作为可预知的未来的一种核心的哲学方法提供担保。
- I can't claim infallibility for this method. 我不敢说这方法绝对有效。
- Summer fallow is the best method of destroying weeds. 夏季休耕是消灭杂草的最好办法。
- Popularizing this new method is not an easy job. 推广这种新方法不是件容易的工作。
- This is not an economical method of heating. 这不是一种经济的取暖方式。
- I have a simple and easy method. 我有个简易的方法。
- I went through by a summary method. 我成功运用了一个简易的方法。
- I am quite content with philosophic contemplation. 我非常满足于哲理性的冥想。
- By this method, you obtain a good result. 用这种方法,你就会取得良好的结果。
- Many times has he tried that method. 那种方法他已经试验许多次了。
- Our packing method shall be improved. 我们的包装方法应加以改进。
- His method of organizing the work is commendable. 他组织这项工作的办法是值得称赞的。
- We must get some method into our office filing. 我们必须把公文归档工作弄出些条理来。
- The unfolding of this philosophical method of thinking, as a methodical articulation of the Matrix of Contrast, could eventually synthesize all that is the best in both Chinese and Western philosophy. 本文认为:从对比典范出发,逐渐发展此一思惟方法体系,或许中国哲学也能够综合西方哲学的优点,提供一个更完整的思考方向。
- Philosophic concepts in Chinese proverbs. 汉语谚语所含思想观念研究。