- The new philosophic construct put up with by the scholar get very popular now. 这个学者提出的新哲学观点现在非常流行。
- The work begins with a philosophical construction of the issue. 工作以对这件事进行哲学分析开始。
- Yin-Yang theory is based on the philosophical construct of two polar complements. 阴阳学说的基础是由性质相反又为互补的两个方面所组成的哲学统一体。
- The philosophers constructed a complicated system for describing existence. 哲学家构想出了一套复杂的体系来解释现实存在。
- A new upsurge in construction is in the making. 一个建设的新高潮正在兴起。
- He has a philosophic approach to life. 他对待生活非常达观。
- Since Descarted, there has appeared in the western philosophy a new trend: to secure self - evidence in the inner consciousness and make it the " Archimedean Point" for philosophical construction. 自笛卡尔以来,西方哲学兴起了在内知觉中寻求自明性,并以内知觉的自明性为哲学建构的“阿基米德点”的思潮,胡塞尔的现象学可谓是这一思潮的集大成。
- Can you cost out this construction work? 你能估计这项工程的成本吗?
- The house/highway is in course of construction. 该房子/公路正在施工中。
- Construction is a major industry here. 建筑业是此地的主要工业。
- There are two new houses under construction. 有两座新房子正在修建。
- I am quite content with philosophic contemplation. 我非常满足于哲理性的冥想。
- A dump truck was parked on the construction site. 建筑工地上停著一辆倾卸车。
- The building is a construction of wood. 这是木质结构的建筑。
- Let's put a good construction on her conduct first. 让我们对她的行为先作一个善意的解释吧。
- A new railroad is under construction. 一条新的铁路正在修建中。
- This highway is in course of construction now. 这条公路目前正在修建中。
- The new school is still under construction. 新学校还在建造中。
- How did the construction work bog down? 建筑工程怎样会停下来的?
- Philosophic concepts in Chinese proverbs. 汉语谚语所含思想观念研究。