- Philosophic thought, the exhilarating experience of paradox and discovery, is the first step toward a civilized faith. 哲学思考,这一矛盾和发现所带来的令人振奋的经历是迈向文明信念的第一步。
- Chinese classic poetry has exerted impacts on Imagism in terms of both philosophic thought and image-creating. 中国古典诗歌无论是在哲学思想还是意象创造上都对意象派产生过深刻的影响。
- His view on friendship embodies strong political color and Stoic philosophic thought. 另外,其友谊观还渗透了斯多葛派的哲学思想。
- Medical phylogeny contains profound philosophic thinking. 医学发展史蕴藏着深厚的哲学思想。
- "Ereignis" is the key word of Heidegger's later philosophic thinking. “生成”是海德格尔后期哲学思想的主导词语。
- Bergson , S.Freud, j-p. sarpre and j-p. sarpre is supported by a kind of philosophic thought, especially, the phenomenology in the modern philosophy has affected almost all the artist in a generation in Europe. 哲学对西方现代艺术的影响是巨大的,从柏格森、弗洛伊德到萨特,任何一次现代艺术思潮背后一定有一种哲学思想支撑,尤其是现代哲学中的现象学,几乎影响欧洲的一代艺术家。
- The theory of Taoism infused not only the philosophic thought of "Harmony between man and nature" but also the idea of the regimen into the Sado, and built up the psyche of the Sado. 本文主要探讨了中国茶道与道家思想理念深厚悠远的渊源关系。
- To prove that these features are historically produced(as against logically necessitated),by tracing them back to the earliest stage of Western philosophic thought,was my real objective today. 追溯西方哲学之源;证明今天的世界图景是历史的产物;而非逻辑的必然.
- Modern systematic thought has a concentrated reflection in the philosophic thought of such philosophers as Descartes, Spinoza, Leibniz, Kant and Hegel. 近代的系统思想集中体现在笛卡尔、斯宾诺莎、莱布尼茨、康德和黑格尔等哲学家的思想中;
- Imagine, if you can, a society in which philosophical thought is prohibited. 你不妨设想一个社会如果禁止哲学思考会出现什么样的情形。
- This hexagram applies this philosophical thought to revealing the principles. 本卦就运用了这一哲学思想来言说事理。
- The dominant idea of Kim Ki-duk is the analysis of human being and the philosophic thinking. 其主导思想就是对人类自身进行深入剖析,进而使其作品散发出浓厚的哲学意蕴。
- Some philosophers think that the meaning of a name just is its referent. 有些哲学家认为一个名称的含义就是其所指。
- In the wake of development in natural science and philosophic thinking,the corresponding medicinal mode have been transformed and developed constantly. 随着自然科学的进步和哲学思想的演进,与之相适应的医学模式也不断地变化发展;
- Poems written by Mao Ze-dong are the author's recognition and evaluation of the life essence and these emotional poems are closely related to philosophic thinking. 毛泽东诗词是作者对生活本质的认识与评价,在形象思维过程中,离不开逻辑思维,抒发情感的诗词也脱离不了哲理思考。
- His philosophical thinking can be regarded as preeminent. 他的哲学思想堪称超凡入圣。
- The beauty of tolerance and kindness comes from the Confucian philosophical thought, such as Golden Mean. 中和之美”范畴来源于儒家“中庸”的哲学思想和以艺求道的方式。
- Therefore,philosophical language is the basis for the development of philosophical thought. 哲学语言是哲学思维历史发展的“不变灭”的基础。
- While Marx philosophical thought is great and profundity, also freedom is an abstruse problem in academic fields. 但由于马克思哲学思想的博大精深,加之由于自由问题是一个学术上较为深奥的问题。