- What is Philosophy?What is Philosophy of History? 什么是哲学?什么是历史哲学?
- Then I will explicate in the third part the philosophy of history of Kant which I call the model of perpetual peace. 第三部分将讨论康德的历史哲学,笔者将其定位为永久和平模式。
- He was, moreover, deeply imbued with the philosophy of history and the course of its evolutions. 此外,他完全掌握历史哲学,了解历史的进程。
- What these differences reveal, are the strengths rather than insufficiencies of his philosophy of history. 笔者认为:这种差异非但不表示康德历史哲学之不成熟,反而显示出其优点。
- Spengler observes the problem of the West civilization in philosophy of history firstly. 摘要]斯宾格勒在历史哲学的发展过程中第一次敲响了西方文明的警钟。
- Spengler observes the problem of the West civilization in philosophy of history. 斯宾格勒在历史哲学的发展过程中第一次敲响了西方文明的警钟。
- In Kant's philosophy of history teleology is a nuclear idea used by Kant to appercept his philosophy of history. 摘要目的论是康德历史哲学中的一个核心理念,康德是用这一理念来统贯自己的历史哲学。
- Only in this way will new Marxist philosophy of history be established and enable historical materialism to start afresh among the people. ? 积极吸收20世纪以来西方历史哲学的优秀思想,建设新的马克思主义历史哲学,使唯物史观派"重新回到民间来,重新确认自己的民间身份"。
- To make a comparison between the philosophy of history of Augustine and Vico is mainly on the basis of their relationship. 将奥古斯丁与维柯的历史哲学放在一起,作为比较和研究的对象,主要基于二者之间存在着一定的承继关系。
- The goal to develop a new philosophy of history is explain the objective of the course of history and almost naturalizing. 新的历史哲学的目标就是要将历史过程的说明客观化和几乎的自然化。
- "Aura" is a rather complex concept put forward by Walter Benjamin. It involves politics, arts and philosophy of history. “灵韵”是本雅明使用的一个包罗政治、艺术及历史哲学内容的复杂概念。
- June, 1848, let us hasten to say, was an exceptional fact, and almost impossible of classification, in the philosophy of history. 让我们赶快说出来,一八四八年六月是一次独特的事件,几乎不可能把它列入历史的哲学范畴中去。
- The contribution of Vico is not only that he carries on Augustine's philosophy of history, but also that he transcended Augustine's. 维柯的可贵之处,不仅在于他对奥古斯丁历史哲学思想的继承,更在于他在继承基础上对奥古斯丁思想的超越。
- Formerly the research on Walter Benjamin was centered on his concept of language, his understanding of the philosophy of history and his insight into literary criticism. 很长一段时间以来,对本雅明的研究都集中在他的语言观,历史哲学观以及文学批评上。
- His knowledge of history exceeds mine. 他的历史知识超过我。
- In the fourth part, the main points of Hegel's philosophy of history will be elucidated and I will label the model derived from it that of Machtpolitik. 第四部分则讨论黑格尔的历史哲学观点,与由其引出的强权政治模式。
- It is meaningful for philosophers and historians to incorporate theories of both empiricism and postmodernism in an effort to form a new philosophy of history. 融合传统经验主义和后现代主义的理论视界,构筑一种新型的历史哲学,将成为今后哲学家和历史学家们富有挑战性的任务。
- No one can hold back the wheel of history. 谁也无法阻止历史车轮的前进。
- He knew very little about the philosophy of aircraft designing. 他对飞机设计原理知之甚少。
- The people are the makers of history. 人民是历史的创造者。