- phlegmasia membranae mucosae gastropulmonalis 热带口疮, 东方口疮
- phlegmasia membranae [医] 热带口疮, 东方口疮
- Conclusion:The curative effect of fresh aloe for various degrees of flare,phlegmasia,and pain caused by intralipid leakage is obviou... 新鲜芦荟对脂肪乳液渗漏致不同程度红肿热痛的疗效明显,值得推广。
- ObjectiveTo find out the correlative factors of thrombotic phlegmasia complication in lower limb after thoracotome and to strengthen the corresponding precautions. 目的了解开胸术后并发下肢静脉血栓性静脉炎的相关因素,有针对性地加强预防。
- Results The foreign bodys in 179 cases were took out successfully without haemorrhage,apnoea,obvious membrana mucosa injury and perforation. 结果179例消化道异物全部成功取出,术中无出血、窒息、黏膜明显损伤、穿孔等。
- Results The foreign bodys in 179 cases were took out successfully without haemorrhage, apnoea, obvious membrana mucosa injury and perforation. 结果179例消化道异物全部成功取出,术中无出血、窒息、黏膜明显损伤、穿孔等。
- The postoperative complication was membrana vitreous anterior opacification and retinal detachment opacification.They were happened among40 eyes. 发生术中、术后并发症,如后囊膜破裂、悬韧带断裂、玻璃体溢出、角膜水肿和后发障等共40眼。
- Results Spinal cord, blood vessels, membrana pleuralis or lung tissue injury wasn't found.The direction and length of the screws were satisfied in the postoperative X-films. 结果患者术后均未出现脊髓神经、血管、胸膜或肺组织损伤等并发症。
- phlegmasia alba dolens puerperarum 产褥期股白肿,产后髂股血栓性静脉炎
- Puerperal phlegmasia alba dolens 产褥股白肿
- plica mallearis anterior membranae tympani 鼓膜前锤骨襞
- lamina propria membranae tympani 鼓膜固有层
- plica mallcaris posterior membranae tympani 鼓膜后锤骨襞
- plica mallearis posteior membranae tympani 鼓膜后锤骨襞
- plica malleolaris anterior membranae tympani 鼓膜前锤骨襞
- plica malleolaris posterior membranae tympani 鼓膜后锤骨襞
- plica membranae tympani externa anterior 鼓膜前外臂
- plica membranae tympani externa posterior 鼓膜后外襞
- annulus fibrocartilagineus membranae tympani [医] 鼓膜纤维软骨环
- anulus fibrocartilagineus membranae tympani 鼓膜纤维软骨环