- phlegmatic strangury 痰淋
- Commuting in the rush-hour requires a phlegmatic temperament. 在上下班交通高峰期间乘坐通勤车要有安之若素的心境。
- The British character is often said to be phlegmatic. 英国人的性格常说成是冷漠的。
- The nurse was a kind but phlegmatic person. 这位护士心地善良, 但却是个不易动感情的人。
- He is too still, unmoved, phlegmatic to be happy. 他太安静、太冷淡,太不动感情,因而郁郁不欢。
- He has a light ,phlegmatic smile . 他的脸上挂着淡淡的、冷漠的微笑。
- He is too still, unmoved , phlegmatic to be happy. 他太安静、太冷淡,太不动感情,因而郁郁不欢。
- A tear moistened the eye of the phlegmatic Englishman. 那英国人虽然平时极不易动感情,这时却也两眼湿润了。
- Commuting in the rush hour requires a phlegmatic temperament. 在高峰期乘坐通勤车需要有安之若素的心境。
- The British charachter is often said to be phlegmatic. 英国人的性格常被说成是冷漠的。
- Phlegmatic types are prone to water and other fluid retention. 粘液质(冷静的)类型者倾向于储留水和其它液体。
- These foods all increase the body’s phlegmatic element. 这些食物食物都会增加体内的粘液元素。
- The mathematician, Yurchenko, was a stubby, phlegmatic, shrewd person. 数学教师尤尔钦科是个矮胖的,冷漠而机灵的人。
- The police captain was staring at Sollozzo with phlegmatic surprise, as if this had nothing to do with him. 这位警官以旁观者的惊讶神色直瞪着索洛佐,仿佛这与他没有关系。
- Conclusion: Xiaolin powder can be used in the treatment of urinary infection such as part of damp heat strangury and blood strangury. 结论:可用于部分湿热淋和血淋等泌尿系感染的治疗。
- Therefore, such herbs as garlic and onion, which are hot and dry, break up and help purge the phlegmatic element. 因此,像大蒜和洋葱这类的干热食品会阻断和清除粘液元素。
- She admired, as Jennie had, his solid, determined, phlegmatic attitude in the face of troubled circumstance. 她也跟当初珍妮一样,佩服他在烦恼面前那种强硬、坚决而漠然的态度。
- No other city in India bears such colossal inconveniences with such phlegmatic grace. 在印度没有哪个城市承受着如此巨大的不便和如此冷淡的宽容。
- In Pudong, the skyscraper district of Shanghai, office workers are calm and phlegmatic. 在上海高楼林立的浦东区,上班族们镇定自如。