- phloroglucinol color reaction 间苯三酚色反应
- The color reaction of Cadion 2B with silver(I) was studied. 研究了镉试剂2B固相萃取测定银的方法。
- The color reaction between HSCT and mercury is studied. 研究了氯磺酚偶氮硫代若丹宁(HSCT)与汞的显色反应。
- The new concept of supermolecule color reaction is proposed for the first time. 首次提出超分子显色反应的概念。
- Keywords formaldehyde;phloroglucinol and color reaction; 甲醛;间苯三酚;显色反应;
- We measured the activity of pyruvic acid kinase(PK)in the serum of 66patients with AMI through 2,4-dinitrophenylydratine color reaction. 用2,4一二硝基苯肼显色法测定66例急性心肌梗塞(AMI)患者血清丙酮酸激酶(PK)活性。
- Oxidation products of unsaturated systems produce a color reaction with thiobarbituric acid (TBA). 不饱和系统的氧化产物与硫代巴比妥酸(TBA)产生一个颜色反应。
- The color reaction of Sc*# with chlorosulphonphenol S(CSPS) has been studied,the addition of emulsifier OP (abb. 研究了钪与氯代磺酚S(CSPS)之间的络合反应,加入乳化剂OP能提高反应的灵敏度。
- The fundamental tents and technique of decal tissue in ceramic were expounded, whichwas based on color reaction theory. 从陶瓷贴花纸的呈色机理出发,阐述了陶瓷贴花纸的基本工艺原理及方法。
- Color reaction with acetylacetone is used to determine the formaldehyde content in fabrics. 织物中甲醛的测定大多采用乙酰丙酮的显色反应。
- The color reaction of copper with m-carboxy-antipyrylazo and its application was studied. 研究了新显色剂间羧基偶氮安替比林与铜的显色反应及其在合金中的应用。
- Used polyvinyl alcohols(PVA) as stabilizer,under high acidity,silicon molybdenum blue and rhodamineB(RHB) can be ion associated and color reaction. 用聚乙烯醇(PVA)为稳定剂,在高酸度下硅钼蓝与罗丹明B发生离子缔合显色反应。
- It was also found that the above mentioned color reaction is not interfered by the presence of maltodextrin, sucrose and glucose. 研究了麦芽糖糊精等多糖、蔗糖等低聚糖和葡萄糖等单糖对显色反应的影响;
- In the pre-sence of non-ionic surfactant Triton X-100 andin pH 9.5 borax solution(Na_2B_4O_7-NaOH),thesensitivity of the color reaction is high. 在非离子表面活性剂 Triton X-100存在下;于 pH 9.;5的 Na_2B_4O_7-NaOH 介质中;显色反应的灵敏度高。
- A new method for determination of cephalexin based on the color reaction between cephalexin and ninhydrin has been developed. 基于头孢氨苄所含伯氨基在酸性条件下可与茚三酮发生显色反应,从而建立流动注射分光光度法测定头孢氨苄的新方法。
- Photofading of Wool Colored by Tryptophane Color Reactions. 通过色氨酸反应染色羊毛的光稳定性。
- That's rather an effective use of color. 这种使用颜色的手法效果相当好。
- Spcctrophotometry is used to determine contents of multicomponent aminoacid.The principle is a good addition of absorbance of color reaction of amino acid and 3-dioxohydrindene. 采用分光光度法来测量氨基酸组分的含量,其原理是利用氨基酸组分与茚三酮的显色反应具有很好的加合性这一特点。
- And the chemical constituents of Stachys geobombycis was primarily demonstrated according to precipitadon reaction or color reaction with various indicator. 结果:地蚕中可能含有生物碱、黄酮及其苷类、多糖、有机酸等成分。
- The chemical constituents of Veronicastrum caulopterum(Hance)Yamazaki was primarily demonstrated by precipitation reaction or color reaction with various indicator. 结果:通过预试验,提示四方麻中可能含有黄酮类、酚类有机酸、糖类、香豆素类等化学成分。