- phonocandiograph preamplifier 心音前置放大器
- It still is offerred dog the options such as generator and preamplifier. 它还供给跟踪发生器和前置放大器等选件。
- The PA7:4 preamplifier is available for J16Quad and J10Quad detectors. 该pa7:4前置供j16quad和j10quad探测器。
- The receiver has been designed and made, including preamplifier,amplifier, filter circuit, AGC, PLL, etc. 设计并制作了接收机电路,包括前放电路,放大电路,滤波电路,自动增益控制电路,锁相环电路,判决电路等。
- This paper presents an up-to-date design of bioelectric preamplifier with low noise- high common-mode-rejection ratio (CMRR) and high impedance. 本文介绍一种利用负反馈原理由集成运算放大器构成的低噪声、高共模抑制比、高输入阻抚前置放大器。
- The key to the design of feeble signal sampling system lies in the designing of ultra low noise preamplifier. 设计超低噪声前置放大器是设计微弱信号采集仪器时不可回避的技术问题。
- Main amplifier is used for amplifying the output signal of preamplifier into digital voltage level. 主放大器把前置放大器的输出信号放大到数字逻辑电平,并且保持数字电平的恒定,以实现限幅的功能。
- The same basic circuit configuration shown in Figure 1-8 can be used as an input preamplifier for a nanovoltmeter. 与图1-8所示相同的基本电路结构也可以用作纳伏表的输入前置放大器。
- The characteristics of an X ray detector composed of PIN photodiode and charge sensitive preamplifier are studied . 本文简要介绍了X射线实时成像系统,综述了国内外该系统在食品安全检测中的应用。
- Preamplifier and filter were used for cancellation of respiratory ECG, body interference. 利用前置放大器和滤波器有效滤除掉呼吸,心电,人体等干扰。
- Also a wide-band and gain-stable PMT Preamplifier has been designed and fabricated according to the paramet... 实验结果表明该电路在提供信号增益的同时能有效的削弱高频噪声,提高激光雷达的信噪比。
- These cards include a built in preamplifier and are controlled through a microchip processor. 这些卡中包含一个内置的前置放大器,是通过一个微芯片处理器来控制的。
- Noise of CMOS charge sensitive preamplifier ASIC is a critical factor for radiation detection. 摘要CMOS专用集成电荷灵敏前放的噪声性能对于辐射探测非常关键。
- The Audio Video Preamplifier is designed to be flexible with respect to its audio configurations, as well. 这台影音前级的音频结构设计也具有相当大的灵活性。
- Two applications of B DFRA are studied. The first case is a receiver terminal with a receiver, an EDFA preamplifier and a B DFRA. 分别讨论了B DFRA的两种可能用途 :1)作为第一级预放器与掺铒光纤放大器 (EDFA)及光接收机一同构成接收终端。
- A hybrid circuit consists of charge sensitive preamplifier,main amplifier,discriminator and shaping circuit was described. 介绍一种由电荷灵敏前置放大器、主放大器、甄别器、成形电路所组成的一体化电路。
- The thermometer mainly consists of infrared hollow optical fiber, infrared detector, preamplifier circuits, and 80C552 small system of SCM. 温度计主要由红外空芯玻璃光纤、红外探测器、放大电路及80C552单片机组成。
- According to series-wound amplifiers and noise theory, an applied circuit of low-noise preamplifier is designed using unattached components. 摘要根据级联网络及噪声理论,本文采用分立元件设计了一种低噪声前置放大器实用电路。
- Preamplifier decoupling was also introduced due to the limitation of decoupling effects for complicated geometry coil for these two methods. 由于几何与电容去耦合仍会受到线圈几何配置影响,设计上及线圈通道数有些许限制;
- Experimental tests indicate that the preamplifier can be used for STM topography measurement and NIM impedance measurement simultaneously. 测试表明,该前置放大器能同时用于NIM阻抗测量和STM形貌扫描;