- Phonon dispersion relation calculations of armchair and zigzag carbon nanotubes 单壁碳纳米扶手椅、锯齿管声子色散关系的计算
- phonon dispersion relation 声子色散关系
- The ground state energy of weak-coupling polaron in a parabolic quantum dot considering the phonon dispersion is calculated using the squeezed-state variational approach. 摘要在声子色散影响下利用压缩态变分法计算了抛物量子点中弱耦合极化子的基态能量。
- Once the wavelength approaches the intermolecular distance, the specific dispersion relation becomes important. 一旦波长接近分子间的距离时,各自特定的色散关系就变得重要了。
- A linear dispersion relation of the Virtual Cathode Oscillator (VCO)is obtained using the single charge sheet model. 通过引入虚阴极振荡的单电荷层模型,得到了虚阴极振荡产生微波的线性色散关系。
- By matching the Bloch condition, we can also calculate the dispersion relation for an infinite photonic crystal and plot the band diagram. 加上布拉格条件,亦可用来计算无穷大光子晶体的色散关系,并以之描绘能带图。
- Based on the defect microcavity, a periodic slow-wave system was constructed and the dispersion relation of this system has been discussed. 以此缺陷微腔为基础构建周期性慢波系统,讨论了该系统的色散特性。
- In the study, transfer matrix method is used to derive the dispersion relation equation and the surface states equation of superlattices. 我们利用传输矩阵法去做分析,推导出超晶格结构之色散关系方程式与表面态方程式。
- According to the Maxwell equations and Floquet theorem, the dispersion relation of several TM0 n modes in MILO coaxial SWS is educed in this paper. 从麦克斯韦方程组和弗洛奎定理出发,导出了磁绝缘线振荡器同轴慢波结构中TM模式的色散方程,并通过数值计算分析了此慢波结构的几何参数对磁绝缘线振荡器高频特性的影响,为磁绝缘线振荡器慢波结构设计提供了依据。
- The dispersion relation for the low-frequency plasma interchange modes in a hot-electron plasma with line-tying function is solved by using the MHD equ. of multiple species. 摘要 用多组份磁流体力学方程导出了有线捆作用的热电子等离子体中,低频等离子体交换模的色散关系;
- A simplex method for function minimization in optimization theoryis implemented to numerical solution of dispersion relation for nonlinear dielectric waveguides. 简要介绍了优化理论中的单纯形方法,并且应用到求解介质非线性光波导的色散方程。
- We analyze the coupling of the LWL optical phonons in single-walled BN nanotubes, and obtain several analytical solutions of dispersion relation under special cases. 在此基础上,我们分析了单壁硼氮纳米管中长波光学声子的耦合特征,并解析地求出了几种特殊情形下的色散关系。
- The dispersion relation,which is the stability criterion of the planar interface for all the wavelength of perturbations,is obtained to modify the M-S dispersion relation. 推出判别液固平界面稳定性的色散关系,该关系式适合于任意的扰动波长。
- The relationship between refracting angle and incident angle in the one-dimensional photonic crystals was studied by means of complete dispersion relation. 利用光子晶体的完全色散关系,研究了一维光子晶体中折射角与入射角之间的关系。
- The dispersion relation of dense flint ZF6 prism was measured by using the method of angle of minimum deviation. And the dispersion equations were fitted with the software of Microcal Origin. 采用最小偏向角法对重火石玻璃棱镜的色散关系进行测量,并利用Microcal Origin软件进行非线性拟合得到色散方程。
- In order to have a good design, it is necessary to analyze the dispersion relation of the TM01 mode and determine its operating parameters varying with geometrical structure of the BWO. 为了便于器件设计,我们重点分析了TM01模式的色散曲线随器件几何尺寸的变化情况,具有较好的参考价值。
- Introduced the Kelvin wave, derived the dispersion relation, then plugged it back into the assumed solution and, along with boundary conditions, derived the form of the Kelvin wave. 介绍开尔文波,推导出色散关系,然后将它代入假定的解,代入边界条件,推导出开尔文波的运算式。
- SPPs dispersion relations demonstrate the photonic bandgap opens up when the size of the squared hole exceeds a half lattice constant a/2. 且当大小大于周期之半时,表面电浆极化子色散图显示光子能隙变大。
- Calculation of Phonon Dispersions for Bl-MoN and Bl-WN Crystals B1结构MoN和WN晶体声子谱的计算
- Dispersion of forces led up to the defeat. 分散兵力是导致失败的原因。