- phreatic fluctuations 地下水面波动
- There are fluctuations in the state of his health. 他的健康状况时好时坏。
- Fluctuations in temperatures put their results oat by a mile. 由于温度起伏不定,他们的测验结果很不准确。
- Fluctuations are spatial and temporal in character. 这种波动的特点是空间性和瞬时性的。
- These fluctuations are random in nature. 这种波动的性质是任意随机的。
- Turbulence or gusts produce velocity fluctuations. 紊乱性或阵息性使速度产生波动。
- Resistance levels made by market fluctuations. 市场波动的阻力水平。
- These fluctuations dissipate with height. 这一波动随高度增加而衰减。
- The exchange rate is subject to fluctuations. 兑换汇率会有波动。。
- How to prevent wide ranging fluctuations? 如何来防止大幅度的外汇浮动?
- But quantum fluctuations change the situation. 可是量子涨落改变了情况。
- Asset Price Bubbles, Investment, and Fluctuations. 资产价格泡沫、投资与波动。
- phreatic fluctuation 潜水面升降,地下水位升降
- belt of phreatic fluctuation 地下水位波动带
- There were merely brief fluctuations in the speed of his decline. 有的只是在他迅速垮下去的过程中的短暂波动而已。
- These fluctuations control the distribution of the sequences. 这些海平面的浮动控制了沉积层序的分布。
- Smaller than fluctuations experienced by white goods producers. 要远远小於大型家用电器生产者所经历的波动。
- Fluctuations in the prices of basic direct response to the changes. 价格的波动直接反应基本面的变化。
- Ideal for processes with large temperature fluctuations. 适用于温度波动幅度很大的工作场合。
- The segment of the boundary above the water table and below the phreatic surface is called the seepage face. 水面以上和潜水面以下的一段边界叫做渗出面。