- This paper presents an over-lapping generation model to investigate the interaction among human capital accumulation, physical capital accumulation and income distribution. 摘要本文建立了一个同时含有物质资本、人力资本积累及收入分布演化的内生增长模型,来研究人力资本积累、收入分布演化与经济增长的相互作用。
- While most of the analysis of this chapter focuses on the effects of physical capital accumulation, output depends on the level of both physical and human capital. 虽然本章的大多数分析集中于实物资本积累的影响,但产量取决于实物资本和人力资本的水平。
- physical capital accumulation 物质资本积累
- This is capital accumulation on a grand scale. 这是宏大规模的资本积累。
- This study sets out to investigate how educational system would affect economic growth by developing an over-lapping generation model with physical and human capital accumulation. 摘要本文使用一个包含物质资本与人力资本积累的世代交叠模型,研究不同的教育体系对经济增长的影响。
- Traditionally, growth theory focused on physical and human capital accumulation, its endogenous growth variant, and technological change. 摘要关于经济增长源泉的探讨一直没有停止过。
- Physical capital is a scarce resource in rich and poor countries alike. 不论是在富国还是在穷国,物质资本都是一种稀缺的资源。
- "Denatured" capital accumulation is one that turns public capital into private capital with every artifice. “变性”资本积累是以各种手段变公有资本为私有资本的资本积累。
- The benefit of capital accumulation is a decisive factor in sustainable economic growth. 摘要资本积累效益是影响经济持续稳定增长的重要因素。
- His contributions are in two aspects, that is, work on inflation and unemployment, and work on capital accumulation. 其贡献主要体现在两个方面,即对通货膨胀与失业问题的研究以及对资本积累的研究。
- Human capital investment and physical capital investment are both productability investments. 摘要人力资本投资与物力资本投资一样,都是生产性投资。
- The penetration of capital provides the general condition for capital accumulation. 资本的扩张和渗透为资本积累提供了必要的条件。
- It Metcalfe (not the value of network nodes, and in relations) Ange, and sexual and physical capital for the opposite. 它与梅特卡夫法则(网络价值不在节点,而在关系)暗合,而与物质资本专用性相反。
- This high capital accumulation has allowed us to expand and improve our production base,and lay a foundation for future growth. 资金积存如此丰厚,我们因而得以扩展和强化生产基地,为未来的发展奠下稳固的基础。
- In the end, we prove that along the BGP, there exists an optimal ratio between investment in human capital and physical capital. 同时分析了在平衡增长路径中,相关因素对经济增长率的长期影响,以及最优人力资本投资比例的存在及其相关决定因素。
- This high capital accumulation has allowed us to expand and improve our production base, and lay a foundation for future growth. 资金积存如此丰厚,我们因而得以扩展和强化生产基地,为未来的发展奠下稳固的基础。
- One way to grow is by developing hitherto unexploited land.Another is to accumulate physical capital: roads, factories, telephone networks. 经济经长的方式之一是开发迄今尚未开发的土地,之二是积累道路、工厂、通讯网络等有形资产。
- From 1978 to 2003, the contribution rates of the substance capital and the human capital accumulation to the economy increasing are 53.01% and 19.92%. 在1978-2003年这26年间福建省物质资本存量和人力资本存量对经济增长的贡献率分别为53.;01%25和19
- Finance will be costlier and investment weak, so the stock of physical capital, on which prosperity depends, will erode. 融资成本将更高,投资更弱,因此经济繁荣依赖的有形资产的存量将削减。
- This paper develops a theoretical model to analyze how human capital accumulation and R &D investment provide incentives for each other and how they affect economic growth. 摘要在内生增长理论中,卢卡斯认为人力资本积累是经济增长的原动力,罗默则认为技术进步是经济增长的源泉。