- physical cultural property 体育文化产业
- We can discern the dynamic local physical culture. 就能看出当地体育事业的活力。
- International Centre for the Study and Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property in Rome. 国际罗马文物保护修复研究中心。
- It welcomed the efforts of the Organization to help industrial, social, and cultural property rights. 它欢迎本组织帮助建立工业、社会和文化产权的各项工作。
- Promote physical culture and build up the people's health. 发展体育运动,增强人民体质。
- Conservation is a primary function of museums, which serves to preserve the cultural property through preventive and interventive conservation. 文物修复是博物馆的基本功能之一,主要分为保存及修复。
- Conservation is a primary function of museums, which serves to preserve the invaluable and irreplaceable cultural property for the future generation. 文物修复的目的是保存珍贵及独有的文化财产,也是博物馆的一项基本功能。
- Fushun has also made rapid progress in physical culture. 抚顺体育事业取得了较大发展。
- The two-storied pagoda in the precincts next to the gate, which is called Ogonkaku, is designated as a national important cultural property. 钻过被称作为黄金阁的山门院内有座多宝塔,被指定为国家的重要珍贵文化遗产。
- Album on Ancient Sports Art in China The first comprehensive illustrated catalogue of ancient Chinese physical cultural relics. 中国古代体育文物图录。
- The church has been listed as UNESCO World Cultural Property Organization, the triangular shape is like urn construction, is a typical Spanish church. 教堂已被联合国科教文组织列为世界文化财产,形状有如金塔的三角建筑,是一座典型的西班牙教堂。
- Born in 1915; lives in Seto; acknowledged as an Appointed Holder of Intangible Cultural Property by Seto City in 2003( Living Municipal Treasure). 1915年生,住濑户市。系2003年濑户市无形文化财产保持者(市级人间国宝)。
- Action plan: The Nogaku has been designated an Intangible Cultural Property since 1957 and is thereby protected, along with its traditional artists. 保护计划:自1957年被列为无形遗产后,能剧和狂言及其艺术家们得到了应有的保护。
- After you complete the wizard, you can set the Culture property for the model. 完成向导后,便可以设置模型的“区域性”属性。
- Above all, the folkloric cultural property represented by the spirit of innovation and tolerance gives mental support to regional social transformation. 最为重要的是,以创新精神和包容精神为代表的地方民俗文化特质,为区域社会转型提供了精神支撑。
- The state develops physical culture and promotes mass sports activities to build up the people's physique. 国家发展体育事业,开展群众性的体育活动,增强人民体质。
- Built in 1719 (KangXi 58, Qing Dynasty), Couching Dragon Bridge is of materly craftswork and now it has been listed as cultural property unit at county level. 可就像所有的武打小说里的高手,默默无闻的却往往身怀绝技。
- From the cultural or property aspect, the dispute over international return of cultural property has led to a struggle between cultural nationalism and cultural internationalism. 摘要文化财产返还国际争议很大程度上围绕文化财产“文化性”和“财产性”展开,由此在文化财产返还问题上导致了文化民族主义与文化国际主义的理论之争。
- The state develops physical culture and promotes mass sports activities to improve the people's physical fitness. 国家发展体育事业,开展群众性的体育活动,增强人民体质。
- For resolving international disputes over cultural property, the balance of interests between original owner and bona fide purchaser is of vital importance. 摘要在文化财产国际争议解决中,如何权衡文化财产原始所有人与善意取得人之间的利益至关重要。