- physical supporting evidence 物理性的证据
- There was a wealth of supporting evidence. 有大量证据。
- Sustained or maintained by aid (as distinct from physical support). 有帮助支撑或维持的(截然不同于物理上的支撑)。
- The expected end result is a paper making a coherent argument that draws its supporting evidence or ideas from several books or journal articles. 而最终要达到的是,一篇论文有着前后呼应的论点,这些论点从很多书籍或刊物文章中得到论据与相关思想。
- A formal outline listing main contentions along with supporting evidence and documentation. 辩护状陈列了主要论点,并附有证据和文书的正式纲要
- Epiphyte Any plant growing upon or attached to another plant or object merely for physical support. 附生植物:仅依附于其它植物体体表或物体表面生长的植物。
- A symptom or a distinguishing feature serving as supporting evidence in a diagnosis. 症状:用于做出诊断的症状或特别的表现。
- Supporting evidence for the cone hypothesis includes radial spokes in the image that might run along the cone walls. 为圆锥假说提供支持的证据包括可能沿着圆锥边缘放射出来的轮辐。
- If someone is a medical student, s/he may need some cancer statistics for supporting evidence in his/her term paper. 如果某人是一个医学生,他/她可能需要一些癌症统计数据以作为支持他/她学期论文的证据。
- Her work is highly contentious because of its speculativeness and lack of supporting evidence. 她的工作由于其推测性和没有证据支持而广受争议。
- The full text inclines to offer the support evidence for the education voucher system. 全文倾向于为教育凭证制度提供支持性证据。
- In the absence of any supporting evidence, however, most archeologists had believed that this King Scorpion was a mythical figure. 然而,由于缺少其他史料证据,大多数考古学家都认为这位蝎子王是一个虚构的神话人物。
- Any request for remission of penalty should be made in writing with explanations of the delay and supporting evidence, where appropriate. 如要申请减免罚款,应以书面提出,解释逾期原因,并按需要随附证据。
- Most modern biologists recognize numerous connections between ontogeny and phylogeny, explain them using evolutionary theory, or view them as supporting evidence for that theory. 大多数现代的生物学家承认在个体发育和系统发生之间存在许多联系;他们用进化理论解释这些联系,或将这些联系视为进化论的支持证据。
- In areas such as overhangs, physical supports can be added and removed later, or water-soluble materials can be deposited and then washed away. 在悬垂的部分,一定的物理支持是会添加的,之后可以去掉,如果是水溶性的物质就可以溶水后冲洗掉。
- In a statement, Rio said the company had been made aware of the "surprising allegation" made against its staff and said it was unaware of any supporting evidence. 力拓在一份声明中表示,该公司已经获知其职员受到“令人惊讶的指控”,但是不知道有什么证据证明他们犯罪。
- In summarization, the unidirectionality hypothesis has sufficient supporting evidence and comparatively solid theoretical foundations.Therefore, it is acceptable. 总之,语法化单向性假说具有充分而牢固的基础。
- Supporting evidence includes the dark dust lanes characteristic of a spiral galaxy, and faint swirls of stars and gas visible in this wide and deep image. 支持这一观点的证据在这张广角深空照片中清晰可辨,包括旋涡星系特有的暗尘埃带,以及暗淡的恒星和气体漩涡。
- Article 36 Within fifteen (15) days of the announcement made pursuant to the preceding two Articles, a party in interest may file an opposition to the authority-in-charge by submitting a statement of reasons and supporting evidence. 第36条(异议期间)依前二条公告后,利害关系人得于十五日内,附具理由及证据,向主管机关提出异议。
- The acoustics is a branch of physical. 声学是物理学的一个分支。