- Go through a number of mental and physical tests. 通过许多智力和身体检查。
- Be able to design logical &physical test cases. 有能力去设计逻辑的和物理的测试用例。
- The Physic test is much more difficult than I have expected. 2007年10月15日1.;物理试卷比我预期的要难得多
- I took a physical test yesterday. My hemogram was a bit high. 昨天我去检查身体了,血象有点高。
- Jim got away with cheating in the physics test, while Mike was scolded. 吉姆在物理考试中作弊却逃避了惩罚,麦克则受到责备。
- This is especially true for activity tests, less so for physical tests. 这对于活性测试而言是非常确实的,而对物理性能测试则差一些。
- Many students do badly on their first physics test. 很多学生第一次物理考试的成绩都不是很理想。
- With lower cost, shorter period and better repeatability, numerical simulation is helpful to physical test. 与侵彻试验相比,数值仿真具有可重复性好、周期短、成本低的优点,对物理试验具有重要指导意义。
- MEPSCAT was a series of physical tests to be administered to all troops coming into the Army. 入伍体能测试是所有进入陆军的士兵必须接受的一系列体力测试。
- The effectiveness of these steps is in turn confirmed by various chemical, biological, and physical tests of the BPC. 这些步骤的有效性反过来证实了这些原料药的各种不同的化学,生物,和物理检测。
- The girl tried her best, but she still failed in the physics test. 这个女孩尽了她最大的努力,但物理测试她还是没有及格。
- Anyway I'm uneasier than you about the coming physics test. 反正我比你对即将到来的物理考试更担心。
- Sir Bobby watched Mallorca go down 3-2 at Barcelona in the Primera Liga on Sunday, and admits he expects a physical test on Thursday evening. 罗布森周日观看了马洛卡2:3败给巴塞罗那的西甲联赛,他料到周四的夜晚会面临一次真正的挑战。
- Now, a much simpler physical test to predict Alzheimer's risk has been developed. 如今,发明了一个更方便的预测患老年痴呆风险的身体检查。
- After a few days of physical tests suggested she was the perfect fit for a kayaker, she was sent to train with the provincial team. 几天的身体测试表明,她是适合皮划艇运动的完美人选,随后她就被送往省队训练。
- The 50 questions and physical tests were administered by a physiotherapist and then repeated by another physiotherapist within the same day. 50个问题和查体试验先由1位理疗师进行一遍,然后再由另一位理疗师在同一天内重复。
- Methods The sterilizing effect were monitored by the followed methods respectively:physical tests、B-D experiment tests and organism tests. 方法:用物理测试、化学指示测试、B-D试验检测、生物测试联合应用。
- A successful validation increases the likelihood of a successful deployment against a physical test or production datacenter. 如果验证成功,可以增加根据实际测试或生产数据中心进行成功部署的可能性。
- After determining the test situations, the logical test cases are defined first and are then converted to physical test cases. 在确定测试情形时,逻辑测试用例被首先定义,然后被转换到物理测试用例。
- The chemical composition, the mechanical properties and the microsstructure were studied though physical test and chemical analysis. 通过理化检测试验,对材料的化学成分、力学性能和金相组织做了较为详尽的比较。