- Keywords ethics in science;Nobel Prize;physiology of olfaction;history of science; 关键词科研伦理学;诺贝尔奖;嗅觉生理学;科学史;
- The physiology of craniosynostosis is unknown. 颅缝早闭是一或者多条颅缝的过早闭合。
- physiology of olfaction 嗅觉生理学
- Sharkey, B.J., Physiology of Fitness, Human Kinetics. 李水碧编译。体适能与全人健康的理论与实务。艺轩。
- They also possessed shortened snouts, reflecting the reduced importance of olfaction in favor of vision. 牠们的口鼻部较短,表示嗅觉的地位下降,而以视觉弥补。
- Objective: To explore the origin of olfactory sulcus polyp and observe the recovery of olfaction after endoscopic sinus surgery. 目的:探讨嗅裂息肉的起源部位与预后的关系。
- Anatomy and Physiology of Farm Animals, R. D. Frandson, Lea& Febiger. 兽医解剖生理学,兽医学要览(5)白火城等,中华民国兽医学会编印。
- It is helpful for understanding olfactory mechanism and discharge motion of olfaction nerve better to study biological olfactory nerve system model. 研究生物嗅觉神经系统模型,有助于更好地了解嗅觉机理和嗅神经的放电模式。
- Knobil E.et al., Physiology of Reproduction, Raven Press, New York, 1993. 陈大元,《受精生物学-受精机制与生殖工程》,科学出版社,北京,2000。
- With the development of olfaction sensors sensors, many research and applications have been made in the electronic nose. 随着嗅觉传感器技术的不断发展,电子鼻技术得到了广泛的研究与应用。
- With the development of olfaction sensors and taste sensors, many researches and applications have been made in the electronic nose and electronic tongue. 随着嗅觉与味觉传感器技术的发展,电子鼻与电子舌技术在食品检测中得到了不断研究与应用。
- Secondly, disease stage had a statistical significance for the prognosis of olfaction after endoscopic sinus surgery.Its standard regression cofficience was 0.325. 2.;病情分级对鼻内窥镜术后的嗅觉恢复影响有统计学意义;其标准化偏回归系数为0
- In addition, they were to study the physiology of the animals that lived in and around the lake. 此外,他们还将从事有关湖中和周围的各种动物的生理学研究。
- Protozoan parasites, particularly coccidia have profound effects on the digestive physiology of the host. 原生动物寄生虫,尤其是球虫对寄主的消化生理有深刻的影响。
- How can I persuade you of my sincerity? 我如何能够让你相信我的诚意?
- There is a vein of melancholy in his character. 他的性格中有少许忧郁的气质。
- The Influence of PVA Compound to the Storage and Harvest Physiology of Apple etc. PVA复合剂对苹果等采后保鲜及生理效应。
- A bowl of hot chicken soup is good for you. 喝一碗热鸡汤对你有好处。
- A cloud is a mass of vapor in the sky. 云是天空中的水汽团。
- Study on the cold hardiness physiology of winter buds of Brasenia schreberi Gmel. 莼菜冬芽越冬生理研究。