- They chose an auspicious day to start the business. 他们拣个好日子开张。
- picking an auspicious day 择吉
- The first of next month is an auspicious day; they will call for you then. 下个月初一是个好日子,冯家就要在那天接人。
- They were: acceptance of the betrothal gifts, asking each other’s name, picking an auspicious date, exchange of wedding gifts, sending out invitations and receiving the bride. 六礼,即指纳采(送礼求婚),问名(询问女方名字和生辰八字),纳吉(送礼订婚),纳征(送聘礼),请期(议订婚期)和亲迎(亲自迎娶)。
- The great day was set for the sixth, an auspicious day and one on which leaving home was not taboo. 喜日定的是大年初六,既是好日子,又不用忌门。
- It is so wonderful to be able to offer to all these two works on such an auspicious day! 能够在这么吉祥的日子将这两个作品供养给大家真是太好了!
- Because bilateral controversy does not fall, this case adjudges choose an auspicious day. 由于双方争议不下,此案将择日宣判。
- The judge states collegiate bench closes this case adjudicates choose an auspicious day after discussing. 法官表示合议庭合议后将择日宣判此案。
- After the court passes investigation, qualitative card, controversy, the presiding judge announces choose an auspicious day is adjudged. 法庭经过调查、质证、辩论后,审判长宣布择日宣判。
- On December 24, 2007, this case is in Shenzhen once more sessional cognizance, both sides has front courtyard debate on the court, rule the result adjudges choose an auspicious day. 2007年12月24日,该案在深圳再度开庭审理,双方在法庭上进行庭辩,审判结果将择日宣判。
- An auspicious time to ask for a raise in salary. 一个要求增加工资的有利时机
- The publication of my first book was an auspicious beginning of my career. 我的第一本书的出版是我事业吉祥的开始。
- Choose an auspicious day to start a Business 择吉开张
- choose an auspicious day for wedding 挑个黄道吉日娶亲
- select an auspicious day for opening a business 择吉开张
- Go and pick an apple from the nearest tree. 到最近的一棵树上去摘个苹果。
- I'm pleased that you've made such an auspicious start to the new term. 你新学期开门红使我很高兴。
- Many happy return of this auspicious day to you. 恭祝生日快乐。
- It is an auspicious occasion to do so for tonight. 今晚是这样做的一个吉祥的时刻。
- The project had an auspicious beginning. 这个计划有一个良好的开端。