- A Pie chart can chart how many sets of values? 饼图可以表现多少组数值?
- The graph, presented in a pie chart, shows the general trend in. 该图以圆形图形式描述了。总的趋势。
- Exploded Doughnut. Like an exploded pie chart, but can contain multiple series. 分离型圆环图。类似于分离开的饼图,但可以包含多个系列
- For simplicity, only one series of data will be used for the pie chart. 为简单起见,饼形图将只用一个数据series。
- Ring charts are an extension of the conventional pie chart. 圆环图是常规饼图的扩展图表。
- Pie charts and doughnut charts have no axes. 饼图和环形图没有轴。
- The Used Space is shown in blue and the Free Space is shown in magenta, making the pie chart an easy read. 被使用的空间用蓝色显示,剩余的空间以品红显示,这让饼图很容易看懂。
- A pictorial device,such as a pie chart or bar graph,used to illustrate quantitative relationships. 用图象表示一种图示手段,如饼状图或条形图,用于表示数量关系
- Constructing a bar graph entails, first, modeling the data in the same way as we did for the pie chart. 构造一个条形图首先必须象在构造饼形图中那样为数据建模。
- The integrated software package, PDS2000 allows for seamless use of data files between data aquisition editing and chart production. PDS2000集成软件包可以允许数据采集编辑和海图产品之间的数据无缝使用。
- Package and show you how to work with its classes and methods to create a bar graph, pie chart, and line graph. 包并向您展示如何使用它的类和方法创建条形图、饼形图和折线图。
- For example, a Values field determines the height of a column in a column chart or the size of a slice in a pie chart. 例如,“值”字段用于确定柱形图中柱形的高度或饼图中扇区的大小。
- For example, a pie chart of the following sales data contains three slices that fall below 5%. 例如,根据以下销售数据绘制的饼图包含三个小于5%25的扇区。
- For example, values determine the height of a column in a column chart and the size of a slice in a pie chart. 例如,值决定了柱形图中图柱的高度以及饼图中扇区的大小。
- Pie chart A graphic diagram representing a pie, the portions of which vay to indicate values or percentages. 状似圆饼的美术图形,它的切开部分表示不同的数值或百分率。
- If you drag a slice from a pie chart without placing it in the other chart, space is created between the slices. 如果从饼图中拖动扇区,而未将其放置在另一个图表中,扇区之间将产生空白。
- Notice that the percentage labels in the secondary pie chart display the same numbers as in the regular pie chart. 请注意附属饼图中的百分比标志和常规饼图中显示的数字相同。
- In a pie chart, only a single data set (the first data point in each series) is represented on the chart. 在饼图中,只在图表上表示单个数据集(每个数列中的第一个数据点)。
- The internationalization of navigation demands the standardization and systematization of the digital chart production which is also an important basis for the development of GIS and the commercialization of digital chart. 摘要航海事业的国际化迫切需要数字海图生产实现规范化和系统化,这也正是GIS发展和数字海图商品化的重要前提。
- Graphing, plotting, bar charts, pie charts and histograms. 注标, 密谋, 长条图, 圆形统计图表和直方图。