- The baby was given a piece of candy. 这孩子拿到了一块糖。
- A small piece of candy, especially of chocolate. 小糖果小块的糖果,尤其指巧克力
- A piece of candy is stuck on his pants. 一块糖黏在他的裤子上。
- Who wants the last piece of candy? 谁想要这最后一块糖?
- Please add a piece of candy to coffee. 请给咖啡加块糖。
- She gave the child a piece of candy. 她给孩子一颗糖。
- A piece of candy, especially hard candy. 棒糖一块糖,尤指硬糖
- He conciliated his angry daughter with a piece of candy. 他用一块糖果来哄他发脾气的女儿。
- To be fair, we'll split this piece of candy even-steven. 为了公平起见,我们均分这块糖。
- There are two pieces of candy on the plate. 盘里有两颗糖。
- An adhesive piece of candy wrap caused a ridiculous farce. 一张糖纸引出一场荒唐的闹剧。
- I gave her a piece of candy in trade for a piece of gum. 我给她一块糖换她一块口香糖。
- A little foreign child came across our party. He Zhenzheng allured him by a piece of candy, but failed. 活动进行中,突然走来一个黄毛小孩,何贞征用一块糖引诱他,可是失败了。
- He bit off a large piece of the apple. 他咬下一大块苹果。
- I need a piece of string to tie this parcel up. 我需要一根细绳把这包裹扎起来。
- The stick of candy was striped with red. 这根棒糖上有红色条纹。
- I bought the child some sticks of candy. 我给孩子买了几根棒棒糖。
- The last piece of candy. 最后一块糖。
- She was hit by a piece of falling masonry. 她被建筑物上落下的一块石头砸着了。
- Have a piece of candy, please. 请吃块糖。