- In this edition, a file, page, or piecemeal restore is online by default. 在此版本中,文件还原、页面还原或段落还原默认处于在线状态。
- Example: Piecemeal Restore of Only Some Filegroups Full Recovery Model. 恢复点处于完整恢复模式中的某个时间,如下例所示。
- The piecemeal restore scenario includes all three phases of restore: data copy, redo or roll forward, and undo or roll back. 段落还原方案包括还原的全部三个阶段:数据复制、重做或前滚以及撤消或后滚。
- Piecemeal restore works with all recovery models, but is more flexible for the full and bulk-logged models than for the simple model. 段落还原适用于所有恢复模式,但在完整恢复模式和大容量日志恢复模式下比在简单恢复模式下更灵活。
- Supports optional online restore, page restore, piecemeal restore of filegroups, mirrored media sets, using backup checksums (if present in a backup), and continuing despite errors. 支持文件组的可选在线还原、页面还原、段落还原、镜像媒体集、使用备份校验和(如果在备份中)以及忽略错误继续。
- A file enters this state automatically because of a piecemeal restore process in which the file is not restored and recovered. 由于在段落还原过程中未还原和恢复文件,因此文件将自动进入此状态。
- In SQL Server 2005, databases made up of multiple filegroups can be restored in stages by a process known as piecemeal restore. 在SQL Server 2005中,可以通过称为段落还原的进程分阶段还原由多个文件组组成的数据库。
- The differential backup followed any other restores that were performed in the original piecemeal restore to restore the data up to the original recovery point. 在原始段落还原中执行的旨在将数据还原到原始恢复点的所有其他还原之后的差异备份。
- To allow the entire database to be restored in stages at different times, piecemeal restore maintain checks to ensure that the database will be consistent in the end. 为了允许在不同的时间分阶段还原整个数据库,需要保持对段落还原的检查,以确保数据库的最终一致性。
- Contains information about performing piecemeal restores and provides an example. 包含有关执行段落还原的信息并提供示例。
- Example: Piecemeal Restore of Database Simple Recovery Model 简单恢复模式对段落还原的影响
- Example: Piecemeal Restore of Only Some Filegroups (Simple Recovery Model) 示例:仅对某些文件组进行段落还原(简单恢复模式)
- The building was assembled piecemeal. 那座建筑物是一块一块地组装起来的。
- The new manager's job is to restore the company to profitability. 新经理的工作是让这家公司能恢复盈利状况。
- I've only had a piecemeal account of what happened. 我对发生的事情只有支离破碎的了解。
- The new high-rise was assembled piecemeal. 那幢新的高层建筑是一块一块地组装起来的。
- Israel, Palestinians restore security link. 以色列巴勒斯坦重回安全临界线。
- The police must try to restore order. 警方必须努力恢复治安。
- Their attempt to restore the king failed. 他们想使国王复位的企图失败了。
- The gradual and piecemeal change was welcomed by most people. 这种一点一点渐进的改变受到大多数人的欢迎。