- pilulae asafoetidae [医] 阿魏丸
- Objective To study the mechanism of anti arteriosclerosis of asafoetida acid sodium(SF) so as to provide theory basis for clinical treatment. 目的分析阿魏酸钠的抗动脉粥样硬化作用机制,为临床治疗提供理论依据。
- Ferula asafoetida L. [医] 阿魏
- mistura magnesiae et asafoetidae [医] 镁阿魏合剂
- fiat massa et divide in pilulae xiv (拉)将团块分制成十四丸
- pilulae aloes et asafoetidae [医] 芦荟阿魏丸
- The Experiment Study on Composite Denshen Pilulae(CDP) in Prevention of Restenosis in Rabbits 复方丹参滴丸预防兔血管再狭窄的实验研究
- Keywords Experimental hyperglycemia;Hypoglycemic;Jiang Tnag Pilulae(JTP);Experimental study; 实验性高血糖;降血糖;降糖丸(JTP);实验研究;
- The Research about Polysaccharide Biological Effect of Asafoetida Mushroom by Low-energy Ion Implantation 低能离子注入对阿魏菇多糖生物效应的研究
- Keywords Xiaoyao pilula Nylestriol climacteric syndrome Curative-effect comparison; 关键词逍遥丸;尼尔雌醇;围绝经期综合征;疗效对比;
- Screening of asafoetida mushroom strains with high polysaccharide productivity by low-energy ion implantation 低能离子束诱变选育阿魏菇多糖高产菌株
- Investigation about Optimization of Liquid Training for Asafoetida Mushroom GC-1 阿魏菇GC-1菌株液体培养条件优化的研究
- Keywords ion implantation;mutagenic breeding;fermentation;polysaccharide;asafoetida mushroom; 离子注入;诱变筛选;发酵;多糖;阿魏菇;
- tinctura asafoetidae 阿魏酊
- pilulae [医] 丸剂
- mistura asafoetidae [医] 阿魏合剂, 阿魏乳
- pilulae anti-alopeciae 斑秃丸
- pilulae asiaticae [医] 亚细亚丸, 复方三氧化二砷丸
- pilulae hydragyri [医] 汞丸, 蓝色丸
- pilulae rhei compositae [医] 复方大黄丸