- He was a pioneer in the use of X-rays. 他是最早使用X光的人。
- He was a pioneer in heart transplant operations. 他是心脏移植手术的开创者。
- A British surgeon has carried out a pioneering operation to restore the sight of a gorilla who was born blind. 日前,一位英国的外科医生为一只患有先天眼疾的大猩猩进行了一次白内障摘除手术,开创了眼科治疗领域的先河。
- A British surgeon has carried out a pioneering operation to restore the sight of a gorilla who was born blind. 日前,一位英国的外科医生为一只患有先天眼疾的大猩猩进行了一次白内障摘除手术,开创了眼科治疗领域的先河。
- The field of operations has been staked out. 军事演习的区域已经划定。
- An innovative leader in a field; a pioneer. 创始人某一领域内的革新领袖; 先驱
- She was descended from a pioneer family. 她来自一个早期的开拓者家庭
- Kaylee Davidson was five months old when she received a new heart during a pioneering operation at the Freeman Hospital, Newcastle upon Tyne, in 1987. 1987年,凯莉·戴维森在泰恩河畔纽卡斯尔的弗里曼医院接受了一次开创性的手术,植入了一颗新的心脏,当时她才五个月大。
- The film about eye operations turned my stomach. 这部眼科手术的影片看得我恶心极了。
- Lasers can be used to perform operations nowadays. 现在激光可以用来做手术。
- He continued his operations in cotton futures. 他继续进行棉花期货交易。
- The Young Pioneer saw the blind man across the road. 这个少先队员扶着盲人过了马路。
- A car comes into being through a series of complex operations. 汽车经过一连串的复杂作业程序而制成。
- Mr. Bowen is a pioneer in the US trade with China. 伯恩先生是一位美中贸易的开拓者。
- He was the pioneer of photography. 他是摄影术的倡导者。
- The company has begun to scale down its operations in Asia. 这家公司已开始减少在亚洲的业务。
- It is the word pioneer that arrests us. 值得注意的是先驱者一词。
- He was a pioneer of china's aerospace industry. 他是中国航天工业的拓荒者。
- Li Dazhao was a pioneer of the Chinese revolution. 李大钊是中国革命的前驱。
- He acted as pioneer in proposing the method. 他是率先创导这一方法的人。