- pipe laying machine 管道敷设机
- This paper introduces some types of pipe laying barges widest used worldwide. 介绍了国外目前使用最广泛的几种类型的铺管船。
- The combination of PVC pipe laying will function in draining rainwater to the great utmost. 结合PVC管道的铺设,能最大地发挥其排导雨水的功效。
- Pipe laying process, rammer selection, pipe laying precision, grout lubricating and other applications of pneumatic pipe-rammer are introduced. 还介绍了气动夯管锤铺管施工过程、动夯管锤的选用、动夯管锤的铺管精度和注浆润滑等问题以及气动夯管锤在其它工程中的应用。
- The pipe manipulator is a way to solve the safety, quality and to efficiency problem in the pipe laying construction site, and enhance the technology of pipelaying. 摘要目的研究与开发管道施工机械手,解决地下埋设管线施工中的安全、施工质量和施工效率及夹持对接装置的核心技术问题。
- In the design and construction of complex pipe laying equipment for the offshore industry Huisman is justified in claiming the title of world market leader. 在设计和制造铺管设备方面,豪氏威马可以自豪地称自己为世界铺管设备的领军人物。
- To analyse on the diminish,gravitation,awrybore, conduit clogging, pipe laying, steely iron to floot,peg cutting,nipping with mud etc,and put forward some control measurecs. 对缩径、塌孔、斜孔、导管堵塞、埋管、钢筋笼上浮、断桩、夹泥等问题进行分析,提出防治措施。
- Track panel laying machine with cantilever 悬臂式铺轨排机
- Standard and light rail laying machine 标准轨和轻轨两用铺轨机
- Work experience as refrigeration technician, ideally skills in ship refrigeration. Experience in pipe laying and wiring. Oxygen brazing and TIG welding. Experience in working in a workshop. 有作为制冷技术员工作经验,有很好船舶制冷技巧。有管道铺设,电线。氧焊,氩弧焊经验。在工厂工作满一年。
- Silting,water accretion and collapse for the excavated ditch of pipeline are serious problems during the pipe laying or renovation of pipeline due to geological situation or weather. 长输油气管道在敷设或大修时常因地质状况或天气情况的影响造成开挖管沟出现回淤、积水、坍塌等现象。
- The PG-(20) Type Track Laying Machine Cars PG_(20)型铺轨机车辆
- steel reinforcement laying machine 钢筋敷设机
- The project includes the construction of 6 nos. ground reservoirs, 7 nos. water towers, pipe laying of 380 km water transmission and distribution lines, and civil construction of pumping stations etc. 该项目工程主要包括建造地面储水池6座、水塔7座、380公里输水和配水管线,及泵站等土建设施的建设。
- Since the deflection of the traversing casing influences the operation of pipe laying at a great degree, a direction controlling system of the drill bit on the horizontal auger is developed. 鉴于在役套管螺旋钻机均无控向装置,管线敷设中常因穿越套管偏斜而无法施工的状况,研制了套管螺旋钻机钻头控向系统。
- cable picking and laying machine 电缆收放机
- In order to ensure the first class construction quality, world-class MSA conduit laying machines have been imported, therefore construction quality can be guaranteed firmly. 为保证一流尖端的施工质量,公司从英国引进世界一流的MSA布线机,使工程施工质量得到了绝对的保证。
- track laying machine with single cantilever 铺轨机
- Some rowing boats lay keeled over on the beach. 一些划艇船底朝天地放在沙滩上。
- Pipe laid in gravel around the footings of a building to drain subsurface water away from the foundation walls. 放置在建筑基础周围的石子儿上,排泄地表水远离基础墙壁的管子。