- CLIMBING DRAIN PIPES Run or Walk against the Drain pipe to climb up or down it. 攀爬水管靠近水管,走或者跑来爬上或者爬下。
- It is a compact unit with a fine adjusting value,to permit replacement without having to remove the flowmeter from the pipe run. 该仪表体积小,带流量调节阀,仪表可以不拆出管道而直接更换锥管。
- No narrow pipe runs that will restrict gravity drainage. 是不是确保狭窄的管子将不限制物料因重力而进行的卸料。
- Globe pattern check valves should be used in horizontal pipe runs with the stem straight up. 截止阀结构的止回阀应该用于水平管道,阀杆垂直朝上。
- He peers down into the shaft.At the very bottom, maybe 20 feet down, a big ceramic pipe runs the length of the cellblock. 他向下探视竖井,就在底部,大概有20英尺高吧,一根粗大的陶瓷管道毗邻着囚楼。
- Don't let your temper run away with you. 要控制住自己,不要发脾气。
- The bank is a ten minutes' run from the hotel. 从旅馆到银行跑步需十分钟。
- In no minute did the sea run amuck. 倾刻间海上刮起了大风暴。
- The inclusion of manholes enables the pipe runs to be rodded through in case of blockage and tested in case of suspected leakage. Gentle bends are only permissible in those sewers large enough to be actually entered. 设置人孔/检查井可以使管道在堵塞时便于疏通,在怀疑有裂缝时便于检查。在进人的管道中,其弯度必须是平缓的。
- The mother with twin babies are always on the run. 这个有双胞胎婴儿的妈妈总是忙忙碌碌的。
- Conical seating at an angle to flow is self aligning, tight and always closed in a no-flow situation. Even in vertical (flow-up) pipe runs, this valve provides exceptionally tight shutoff. 圆锥形阀座与流向具有一定的角度,能够自行调整,在无流体状态下能够始终紧密关闭。甚至在垂直(流向朝上)管道上,这种阀门具有特别紧密地关闭特性。
- One should not run about aimlessly during an alert. 空袭警报期间不可到处乱跑。
- He is on a lone fun run, nothing to do with the race. 他自己跑著玩的,和竞赛无关。
- I told her to pipe down but she still babbled on. 我叫她闭嘴,可她还是唠叨个没完。
- Hard training will fit them to run long distances. 严格的训练将使他们能跑长距离。
- The pipe burst and a spout of water shoot out. 水管破裂了,一股水喷了出来。
- The turtle doesn't run so quickly as the hare. 乌龟没有兔子跑得那么快。
- He has no idea of how to run a business. 他不知如何经商。
- The tail exhaust pipe of the motor vehicle emitted poisonous smoke. 机动车的尾部排气管排出有毒的浓烟。
- I run back to my room and retrieve my bag. 我奔回房间取回自己的提包。