- pipeline in dam 坝内埋管
- His machine cut a natural gas pipeline in Wyoming on Saturday. 周六其推土机切断了地处怀俄明州的一条天然气输送管道。
- Observation accuracy is one of the most important factors in dam observation. 观测精度历来是大坝观测中最需要关注的要素之一。
- Thus, the FBG sensor has an extensive prospect in dam safety engineering. 该技术在大坝安全监测方面具有广泛的应用前景。
- Have explained some views while laying for the drainage pipeline in the room. 阐述了室内给排水管道敷设时的一些观点。
- He was commissioned via the Naval ROTC program at M.I.T. and entered the Surface Warfare training pipeline in Coronado, California. 他在麻省理工学院时参加海军后备军官训练团(ROTC),后进入加利福尼亚科洛纳多的水面作战训练课程。
- Especially, as a dam construction material, RCC has aroused a revolution in dam construction technology. 特别是用它建造大坝,已导至筑坝技术的变革。
- In case of flood, the dam can protect us. 在发洪水的时候,大堤可以保护我们。
- Carry out pipeline replacement for fire service pipeline in CRC Tsing Yi Terminal in 2006. 2006年于华润青衣油库更换消防喉管。
- Develops an unsteady mathematical model of ventilation system for the corridor in dam. 摘要以水电站坝体廊道通风系统为研究对象,建立了非稳态数学模型。
- This article describesconstruction cest of gas pipeline in U. S. A,comparing design cost with actual cost. 本文介绍了美国输气管道的建设成本,对美国输气管道建设的设计成本与实际成本进行了比较。
- To find out the regular pattern of long-term displacement of a dam is very important in dam safety surveillance. 探讨大坝的长期变位规律,对监控大坝安全运行十分重要,也是个带有普遍性的问题。
- Turkey signed an agreement allowing construction of the pipeline in Turkish waters. 土耳其签署协议,允许在土耳其水域内修建管道。
- Engineering geophysics is economic, and efficient for seepage detection in dam body. 由此证实工程物探方法是一种经济、高效的坝体渗漏检测手段。
- In pigging of jet fuel pipeline in Changle Airport of Fuzhou,the filter was blocked with rust. 针对福州长乐机场航空煤油管道出现锈渣严重堵塞过滤器的现象,制定了具体的通球清管方案。
- New laws to deal with this abuse are in the pipeline. 正在制定处理这种弊端的新法令。
- People came in flocks to see the new hydraulic power station beside the dam. 人们成群结队地来参观水坝旁边新建的水电站。
- In the same time, the association analysis of data mining is used to mine the hidden available knowledge in dam data warehouse. 同时,研究了利用数据挖掘技术的关联分析模式,挖掘出蕴藏于大坝数据仓库中的潜在有用知识。
- Susan Desmond Hellmann, executive vice-president, said even without small molecules, Genentech had the "best pipeline in the biotechnology industry". 基因技术公司执行副总裁苏珊 - 迪斯蒙德 - 赫尔曼说,即使没有小分子药物,本公司也已拥有“生物技术工业中最优秀的生产线”。
- The wind was whispering in the trees. 一阵风穿过树林沙沙作响。