- The World Trade Organisation has ruled against China in a key piracy case brought by the United States. 世界贸易组织在美国提交的关键的盗版案件中对中国做出不利裁决。
- The top ten online piracy cases will be chosen from the cases they handle during the three-month campaign, according to the NCA. 关于这场战役的结论,根据国家版权管理说,他们将从这三个月里处理的案件中挑选中十个来。
- IPR lawyers said the police's economic crimes division, which probes piracy cases, gave priority to other crimes such as fraud. 知识产权律师表示,中国警方的经济犯罪部门负责调查盗版案,但他们一般优先处理欺诈案等其他案件。
- Upon the conclusion of the campaign, the top ten online piracy cases will be chosen from the cases they handle during the three-month campaign, according to the NCA. 据国家版权局透露,他们将从这三个月所处理的相关案件中挑选出十大网络盗版侵权案件作为这次行动的总结。
- Singling out major gangs in the crackdown on copyright piracy. Major cases of copyright piracy have remained the focus of every CEA and every year the authorities have successfully cracked down on some major copyright piracy cases. “打团伙、破网络、端窝点”,重点查处侵权盗版的大案要案。每年的“扫黄”、“打非”集中行动,全国都要查处一批大案要案。
- During the year, the department detected seven corporate piracy cases, resulting in the arrest of 12 persons and the seizures of infringing computer software with a market value of $61,460, as estimated by the copyright owners. 年内,海关共破获七宗机构盗用版权的案件,拘捕12人,检获的盗版电脑软件,据版权拥有人估计市值约61,460元。
- During the year,the department detected seven corporate piracy cases,resulting in the arrest of 12 persons and the seizures of infringing computer software with a market value of $61,460,as estimated by the copyright owners. 年内,海关共破获七宗机构盗用版权的案件,拘捕12人,检获的盗版电脑软件,据版权拥有人估计市值约61,460元。
- Since its establishment in early 2000,the department's Anti-Internet Piracy Team has detected 10 Internet piracy cases,resulting in total seizure of pirated goods and equipment valued at $270,000,and the arrest of 17 persons. 自二零零零年年初成立以来,海关辖下的互联网反盗版队共破获十宗网上盗版案件,检获价值27万元的盗版货品及设备,并拘捕17人。
- Since its establishment in early 2000, the department's Anti-Internet Piracy Team has detected 10 Internet piracy cases, resulting in total seizure of pirated goods and equipment valued at $270,000, and the arrest of 17 persons. 自二零零零年年初成立以来,海关辖下的互联网反盗版队共破获十宗网上盗版案件,检获价值27万元的盗版货品及设备,并拘捕17人。
- Besides, the major counterfeiting and piracy cases with serious consequences will be smashed in a forceful manner.The campaign gives its top priority to pirate CDs and trademark infringements. 行动中,以知识产权权利人反映强烈、情节严重、影响恶劣的重大侵权案件作为突破口,积极行动,狠狠打击侵犯知识产权的违法犯罪分子。
- In that case you'll have to clear yourself. 那样,你只得自行辩白了。
- In this case, let's start earlier. 既然这样,我们就早点开始。
- Nothing short of this could mend the case. 不这样就不能挽回局面。
- The Supreme Court gave a fair trial to the case. 最高法院对这一案件作出了公正的审判。
- The judge summed up the case for the jury. 法官向陪审团概述案情。
- I will reveal your secret in no case. 我决不会泄漏你的秘密。
- We could relax the procedure slightly in your case. 我们可以根据你的情况通融一些。
- Your case is coming up for review in May. 你的事情将在五月再研究。
- He showed us four case studies of disturbed girls. 他给我们看了4位精神失常姑娘的病历。
- She thought she was hurt but it wasn't the case. 她认为她受伤了,但事实上并非如此。