- The San Marino pit lane has been full of famous names this weekend. 本周末的圣马力诺维修站中挤满了各种各样的名人。
- "When the pit lane was open, almost everybody pitted together. “当维修区开放的时候,几乎所有的车手都进站了。
- Q: Running side-by-side with Fernando Alonso down the Monza pit lane was one of the highlights of the Italian race. 问:你同费尔南多-阿隆索一起并排冲出蒙扎的维修站通道是意大利站比赛中的一个亮点。
- Underlying all this, the team felt they had made genuine progress with their race pace, which made their pit lane problems all the more frustrating. 在这样的情况下,车队感觉他们在自己的比赛速度上做出了名副其实的进步,而这让维修通道的问题更加令人沮丧。
- But the strip of tarmac between the pit wall and the garages is more than just a stage for the visiting stars: races are won - and sometimes lost - in the pit lane. 但是维修站护墙同车库之间的停车地带不仅仅是那些观光明星们的舞台,有时在维修站通道中就能够决定出比赛的胜负。
- Drivers must enter the pit lane, drive through it complying with the speed limit, and re-join the race without stopping. 车手们必须驶入维修区车道,但不得停车,限速通过,然后重新加入竞赛行列。
- At Super Aguri, single-stopping Takuma Sato beat the Midlands, after an hydraulic problem on the way to the grid forced him to start in the T-car from the pit lane. 在开往发车区的路上出现的液压问题迫使佐藤琢磨(藤琢磨新闻,佐藤琢磨说吧)能从维修通道发动自己的T赛车之后,这位超级亚久里车手采取一次进站击败了米德兰。
- But the strip of tarmac between the pit wall and the garages is more than just a stage for the visiting stars: races are won- and sometimes lost- in the pit lane. 但是维修站护墙同车库之间的停车地带不仅仅是那些观光明星们的舞台,有时在维修站通道中就能够决定出比赛的胜负。
- The pair enjoyed a great battle for the lead for the first half of the race until Doran ran out of fuel as he entered the pit lane for a scheduled stop. 两人享有一个伟大的战斗,带头为上半年的比赛之前,多兰中将失控,燃料,因为他进入基坑里为如期停止。
- Behind the Ferraris, and splitting the Renaults, Toyota's Jarno Trulli had a great day that he could never realistically have expected after starting the race from the pit lane. 在法拉利赛车的后面,雷诺赛车被间隔了开来。丰田车队的雅诺-特鲁利有了出色的一天。在从维修通道开始比赛之后,他本该没什么可期待的。
- At Super Aguri, single-stopping Takuma Sato beat the Midlands, after an hydraulic problem on the way to the grid forced him to start in the T-car from the pit lane . 在开往发车区的路上出现的液压问题迫使佐藤琢磨(藤琢磨新闻,佐藤琢磨说吧)能从维修通道发动自己的T赛车之后,这位超级亚久里车手采取一次进站击败了米德兰。
- Jarno Trulli's Barcelona time in Toyota also raised an eyebrow or two up and down the pit lane and left more than a few hoping that the TF108 hadn't been carrying much ballast. 特鲁利的丰田赛车在巴塞罗那的成绩也让维修站里的很多人刮目相看,他们都寄希望于TF108当时的压舱物很少。
- His main problem was that his in-lap speed was determined by Schumacher's, up ahead, and only at the last second could he duck out of the Ferrari's slipstream and head down the pit lane . 他的主要问题是他的进站圈的速度取决于舒马赫的速度,只有到最后一秒他才能从法拉利的尾流中摆脱出来进入维修区。
- His main problem was that his in-lap speed was determd by Schumacher's, up ahead, and only at the last second could he duck out of the Ferrari's slipstream and head down the pit lane . 他的主要问题是他的进站圈的速度取决于舒马赫的速度,只有到最后一秒他才能从法拉利的尾流中摆脱出来进入维修区。
- His main problem was that his in-lap speed was determined by Schumacher's, up ahead, and only at the last second could he duck out of the Ferrari's slipstream and head down the pit lane. 他的主要问题是他的进站圈的速度取决于舒马赫的速度,只有到最后一秒他才能从法拉利的尾流中摆脱出来进入维修区。
- In the hours before a Grand Prix, the pit lane is the place to be seen, full of famous faces and celebrity names, all providing rich pickings for the photographers and camera teams. 在每次大奖赛之前的几个小时中,维修站通道是最吸引人的地方,那里到处都是著名的面孔和名人的身影,给那些摄影师和电视转播人员们提供了丰富的素材。
- She drives carefully up the rocky lane. 她驾车小心地从这条很多石头的小路上驶过去。
- The children were playing in the sand pit. 孩子们在沙坑中玩耍。
- That lane will take you to his house. 你从那条小巷就可以走到他家。
- The lane was thronged with shoppers. 这条狭窄的街上挤满了购物的人群。