- The pitch angle and vane obliquity angle might effected the efficiency of grader. 锥角、叶片倾角影响分级效率;
- The main blades pitch angle is controlled by the up and down movements of the swashplate. 大桨的螺距角度是由倾斜盘的上升和下降动作控制的。
- The new scheme realizes the tracking control of flight pitch angle by applying second order ADRC to compensate model disturbances and uncertainty. 利用二阶自抗扰控制器补偿系统模型扰动和外扰,实现了纵向运动俯仰角变量的跟踪控制。
- Variable Vector Propeller (VVP) is a new type thruster, which can be used to provide forces in any directions by adjusting pitch angle periodically. 全方向推进器是一种新型的推进装置,它最大特点是通过叶片螺距角在桨叶旋转的过程中周期性的改变可以产生任意方向的力。
- Design and make a wind turbine which can adjust pitch angle of oar leaves through various of wind speed, and make experiment of characteristic. 通过计算,设计制造出了风压式全程变桨距风能转换装置。
- The experimental results show that the accuracy of pitch angle and roll angle is 0.06 deg, respectively, and positioning accuracy is 1.8 m in East and 0.9 m in North. 实验结果表明;组合系统的俯仰角和横滚角误差标准差均为0.;06度;经度误差的标准差为1
- The operational characteristics of a DD-PMSG with the fuzzy pitch angle control and the torque dynamic sliding-mode control were studied through the computer simulation. 对一台采用该控制策略的直驱永磁同步风力发电机的运行行为进行仿真研究。
- The pitch angle scattering of particles is studied in the magnetosphere for three cases:the strong scattering,the weak scattering and the regular scattering. 研究了地球磁层中粒子投掷角扩散过程;分析了强扩散、弱扩散和一般扩散等特性.;计算结果表明;在强扩散过程中;粒子填满整个损失锤区域;
- According to program which be used to control pitch angle, driver mechanism implement the function of regulating the rotational speed and dynamotor output power. 实现了通过控制系统调整桨距角,从而调节发电机转速和输出功率的目标。
- In the basis of the features of the all-flexible parawing and the 8m X 6m Large Low-Speed Wind Tunnel, the technique plan, model supporting equipment and model pitching angle measuring device was designed and manufactured. 本项目根据翼型伞柔性模型的特点以及8m×6m大型低速风洞的具体情况,完成了柔性翼型伞风洞测力试验技术方案、翼型伞风洞试验装置、模型攻角测量装置的设计。
- The theoretical(analysis) and numeric calculation show that in case of the thrust eccentricity,the rocket missile may fall to the ground for the small pitching angle in ground launch test. 理论分析和数值计算显示,在发动机推力偏心客观存在的情况下,如果火箭弹地面发射时的仰角取得过小,将可能导致导弹提前坠地,达不到实验的目的。
- Taking the Hudson TB 12 ( 4 ) type fan as an example, this paper gives an analysis and comparison between the pitch angle and speed controls for air flow of the air cooler fans and reviews the economy of both the methods of control. 本文以哈德森(HUDSON)TB12(4)型风机为例,对空冷器风机流量的调角调节和调速调节进行分析对此,并评述了这两种调节方法的经济性。
- Abstract: A general method of calculating pitch angle and roll angle as well as their rotation acceleration of multi-axle motor vehicles is established and the effects of related factors are analyzed specifically in this paper. 文摘:本文建立了多轴汽车纵、横向倾角及其角加速度的通用计算方法,且对相关因素的影响作了具体的分析。
- To calibrate and compensate the compass error of magnetic heading in a carrier with constant pitch angle,the deviation compensation algorithm(DCA) for magnetic deviation compensation is put forward. 针对具有恒定俯仰角度载体的磁航向罗差标定和补偿问题,提出了一种用于磁罗差修正的偏差补偿算法(DCA)。
- The plant was growing at an angle. 植物呈一定角度生长。
- Models postioned at various pitching angles of attack within a flow tunnel produced well-develpoed counter-rotating vortices along the ventrolateral keels. 水流槽中所放置的船模;当经受或上或下多角度的冲击;沿着其龙骨中央的外侧;即产生逆时针旋转的非常明显的旋涡.
- For the control response, in the whole flight speed range, the attitude angles of autogyro change small, especially the pitch angle. 全飞行速度范围内姿态变化很小,尤其是纵向俯仰角;
- The farmers were pitching hay on to the cart. 农夫们正在把乾草扔上货车。
- She has keyed the piano up to concert pitch. 她已经把钢琴的音调升到音乐会的音高标准。
- The runner went to second base on a wild pitch. 一记瞎设让跑垒员跑上了第二垒。