- The old man bent with a heavy burden on his back. 老人因背著重负而弯腰。
- The Chinese habit of overusing medicines places a heavy burden on the labor insurance system. 国人滥用药物的习惯,形成劳保沈重的负担。
- The old man bends with a heavy burden on his back. 老人因背著重负而弯腰。
- We must now cast a heavy burden on women. 我们这时必须把沉重的负担加在妇女的身上。
- The system places a heavy burden on enterprises wanting to increase their fixed-asset investment, especially for capital-and technology-intensive enterprises. 这一体制使那些想增加固定资产投资的企业,特别是那些资本和技术集中的企业背上了沉重负担。
- place a heavy burden on 对 ... 赋予重任
- The saying of disease for life will bring a heavy burden on patients mind and make them lose confidence in treatment. 再说终身的说法会给病人以沉重的袍袱而失去治病信心。
- Forcing people to retire at a certain age creates a heavy burden on the welfare system. 强迫人们在某一年龄退休的做法严重增加了福利系统的负担。
- Their cities became a heavy burden on his back, and the noises they made drummed in his ears. 他们的城市重重地压在牠的背上;人们的嘈杂声,如捶鼓似地传入了牠的耳朵;
- Poverty on an old man rs back is a heavy burden. 老而贫困,负担最沉。
- It is a very heavy burden on the counties. (建设学校)在县里是一种很沉重的负担。
- Poverty on an old man's back is a heavy burden. 老而贫困,负担最沉。
- A coward considers difficulties as a heavy burden on his back,but a valiant fighter turns difficulties into a stepping-stone for his advance. 懦夫把困难当作沉重的包袱,勇士把困难化作前进的阶梯。
- America's health-care system is bad at controlling costs, imposing a heavy burden on the whole economy, particularly the newest and most fragile firms. 美国的卫生保障系统中成本控制做的一塌糊涂,极度依赖与整体的经济状况,尤其是那些最新的和非常脆弱的公司。
- A coward considers difficulties as a heavy burden on his back, but a valiant fighter turns difficulties into a steppingstone for his advance. 懦夫视困难为压在其后背的一项重负,而勇者把困难转化为其进步的台阶。
- I have learned that the Soviet Union allocates 20 per cent of its gross national product to national defence. With such a heavy burden on its back,the country is bowed down. 据说苏联是百分之二十的国民生产总值用于国防,为什么他翻不起身来,就是负担太沉重。
- I have learned that the Soviet Union allocates 20 per cent of its gross national product to national defence. With such a heavy burden on its back, the country is bowed down. 据说苏联是百分之二十的国民生产总值用于国防,为什么他翻不起身来,就是负担太沉重。
- A donkey can carry a heavy burden. 驴子能负重载。
- His shoulders can bear a heavy burden. 他的双肩能负重。
- We hope that the British Hong Kong Government will not increase the number of personnel and the amount of their pay and pensions without consultation,putting a heavy burden on the future government of the special administrative region. 希望港英政府不要随意增加人员和薪金、退休金金额,那将会增加将来特别行政区政府的负担。