- plain language telegram 明语电报
- The rate is one dollar and fifteen cents a word,including the address,for a telegram in plain language. 明语电报,每一个词(汉语应指“字”)收费1.;15元,地址同样收费。
- The rate is one dollar and fifteen cents a word, including the address, for a telegram in plain language. 业: 明语电报,每一个词(汉语应指“字”)收费1.;15元,地址同样收费。
- The plain language in the book gave some colour of truth to the story. 书中所用的朴实的语言为该故事增添了不少真实感。
- First, the plain language of the Constitution states that Congress has the power to enact law. 首先,宪法的明确语言表明,国会有权制定法律
- The warning was conceived in the plainest language. 这警告是最简明的语言表示的。
- I will do my best to use plain language in discussing what is inevitably a rather technical subject. 我会尽可能用浅白易明的文字来讨论这个技术性课题。
- Crosland does her best to help de Chirico to express the ineffable in plain language. 柯洛兰尽力帮助籍里柯用平实的语言来表达这种难以言传的美。
- In plain language, China and the United States agreed on the need for parallel policies toward the world balance of power. 讲得明白些,就是中国和美国同意有必要执行并行不悖的政策维持世界的均衡。
- Instead of fine print that hides the truth, we need credit card forms and statements that have plain language in plain sight. 我们不需要隐藏真相的很好的印刷件,我们需要语言简明,一目了然的信用卡表格和报告。”
- Plain language writing is a technique of organizing information in ways that make sense to the reader. It uses straightforward, concrete, familiar words. 简明语言是以读者感到清楚的方式组织信息的技巧。简明语言使用直白、具体和常见的词汇。
- The warning was conceived in the plainest language . 这警告是最简明的语言表示的。
- President Medvedev for example addressed the nation on Sunday in the first of a series of crisis-related fireside chats and used unusually plain language. 比如,梅德韦杰夫周日对全国发表讲话,这是有关危机的一系列“炉边谈话”中的第一讲,使用的都是异常平实的语言。
- Using plain language in the service of spiritual insight, Basho raised the form to literature, each poem like a polished stone that, when dropped in water, creates an infinity of ripples. 松尾芭蕉透过朴实的文字来传达性灵的洞察,将俳句的形式提升至文学层次,每一首作品都宛若琢磨发亮的石子,丢入水中均能激起无尽的涟漪。
- In terms of writing style, she strongly criticized the plot, language, and ending in popular tanci works, whereas her own works were based on the principle of novel plot and plain language. 在写作风格方面,侯芝强烈批判流行弹词小说的情节结构、行文用语、结局安排等等,而她本人的作品则以情节新奇但文字平易为准则。
- "Seize the author at the Summer Jiyu characteristics to the plain language of Baimiao, one of a King, reproduces the image of the West Lake sudden change of situation summer phenomenon. 作者善于抓住夏日急雨的特点,以朴素的语言进行白描,一句一景,形象地再现了西湖夏季风云骤变的奇景。
- Language teaching is both a science and art. 语文教学既是一门科学又是一种艺术。
- This documentary vividly describes the development of Chinese Beijing Opera , focusing on the introduction of facial painting, aria, prop and the appearance of an actor in humorous and plain language. 本片运用幽默生趣的语言介绍了中国京剧中的脸谱、唱腔、程式、道具、扮相,用一个个具体可感的故事描述了中国京剧的发展历程。
- We bivouacked on the open plain. 我们在开阔的原野上露营。
- The problem is quite plain to us. 那问题我们都很明白。