- Water filled the depressions in the ground. 地上的坑里积满了水。
- The plain water quality is very poor. 原水质很差。
- No slosh for me.Just plain water. 我不喝酒,来杯白开水就可以了。
- Thenhe reverted to using plain water. 然后他又回复到只用清水刮胡子了。
- It is difficult to turn salt water into plain water. 要把盐水变成普通的水实在是太难了。
- Plain water is the best replenishment of body fluid. 要补充身体流失的水分,最好饮用白开水。
- Water filled with coat dust at a coal company in Ningxia Province. 宁夏一个煤矿的周围河流已经完全变黑了。
- Coffe ortea may not be as populer as it used to be,but plain water will. 咖啡和茶也许不会像以前一样受你欢迎了,不过水永远会受欢迎。
- Crammer 13: Can sparge type mineral water fill quickly for skin wet? 谎言13:喷雾式矿泉水可迅速为肌肤补湿?
- Obtain some Coca-Cola syrup from a soda fountain. Take one teaspoonful in a glass of plain water once or twice a day. 从苏打中提取一些可口可乐糖浆(注意不是汽水!)。放入一杯普通水中服用一茶匙的量,一天一次或两次。
- Back in the United States, we often think of that wonderful lake and its pure, clear water filled with life. 回到美国后,我们经常怀念这个神奇的湖泊,它的纯净,清澈,欣欣生意的湖水。
- I watched the water fill the tub. I watched the mirror and window steam up. I watched the water turn blue from my bath beads. I got in. 我看着水溢满了浴盆。我看着镜子上和窗子上的水蒸汽。我看着浴盆里的水变成了蓝色。我进去了。
- Those who drank the grapefruit juice absorbed only half the amount of fexofenadine, compared to those who drank plain water. 那些喝了葡萄汁的志愿者相比于那些喝了普通水的志愿者仅仅吸收了他们一半剂量的弗克芬德。
- None of the products have been deep-fried.Noodles can be cooked deliciously simply with plain water without any seasonings. 全不经油炸,所有面绦只需用清水一煮,不用加任何调味便已味道鲜美,爽滑可口。
- Wolfe likes to call him “a shark in water filled with blood,” but Kirkland doesn't like the notion of himself as a one-dimensional fighter. 乌尔芙形容他是个“闻到浓浓的血腥味的鲨鱼,”但科克兰不喜欢自己被当做只会出拳的“一根筋”。
- After being bitten by animal, wash wound thoroughly with plain water and soap immediately. Then seek medical attention at the nearest Accident and Emergency Department. 被动物咬伤后,尽速用清水及肥皂清洗伤口,然后前往附近的急症室接受治疗。
- Incubation test showed that when soils have same water filled pore space (WFPS) content, the influence on N2O emission of soil from wet to dry is bigger than that from dry to wet. 培养结果说明,在相同的土壤孔隙水含量(WFPS)条件下,土壤由湿变乾过程产生的N2O通量高于土壤由乾变湿过程中的产生量;
- The scientists gave 20 female mice water dosed with DEX for the first three days that the females were exposed to males.Afterwards, the mice were given plain water. 在前三天的实验中,研究人员在小鼠的饮用水中放了适量的地塞米松,此后,他们又给小鼠喂食普通的饮用水。
- The water filled in the aqueduct has important effect on natural frequencies and seismic responses, but the contributions of high-order mode responses can be ignored. 算例结果表明,施加预应力使渡槽的自振频率升高、抗震能力增强,渡槽的竖向地震反应中高阶振型的贡献可以忽略,槽内水体对渡槽的自振特性和地震反应有很大影响。
- Coffee and tea with caffeine and carbonated sodas are diuretics and can remove water from your system.Drinking plain water is the best way to get the fluid you need. 咖啡和碳酸饮料因为含有利尿的成分,可能会让水脱离出人体组织,因此最好的办法就是喝白水来补充所需要的水份。