- Parallel to or in the plane of the horizon. 水平的与地平面平行的或在地平面中的
- This species has reached a higher plane of development. 这一种属已达到更高的发展阶段。
- plane of ecliptic 黄道面
- He has a small plane of his own. 他有一架自己的飞机。
- Medial Toward the median plane of the body. 靠近身体正中面。
- What is the plane of the buffing? "抛光抛到什么程度?"怎么翻译?
- This is the plane of the Monad, or oversoul. 这是单体层,或超灵层。
- Most roglossal cysts located the plane of hyoid. 囊肿位于舌骨水平的多。
- In computer graphics, turning all or part of a display image180 degrees about an axis in the plane of the display surface. 在计算机制图技术中,显示图象的全部或一部分对显示面所在平面中某个轴线翻转180度的处理方法。
- The angle between the plane of the ecliptic and the equatorial plane is the obliquity of the ecliptic. 黄道面与赤道面的夹角是黄道的倾角。
- These dust particles are millimeter sized splinters from asteroids and orbit in the ecliptic plane of the planets. 这些尘埃颗粒来自小行星,只有毫米般大小,沿着行星的黄道平面轨道飞行。
- A medial line, especially the medial line or plane of the body. 中线中央的线,尤指身体的中线或中央的平面
- A luminous tract in the sky,a reflection of sunlight from cosmic dust in the plane of the ecliptic,visible just before sunrise and just after sunset. 天空中明亮的一块区域,由于太阳光在黄道面上被大气微粒反射而形成,常在日落时的西方或日出时看到。
- I'm on a different PLANE of existence. Get it? PLANE. 我在一种不同的飞机上,明白吗?飞机。
- Lateral Farther away from the medium plane of the body. 远离身体正中面。
- The projection of the ecliptic plane, the plane of planet Earth's orbit around the Sun, is traced by the long blue line running diagonally through the picture. 黄道平面的投影指的是地球绕太阳的轨道面,沿着对角线投影在这张图上的蓝色线段就是黄道平面的投影。
- Also called the nodical month.The orbit of the moon lies in a plane that is tilted with respect to the plane of the ecliptic: it has an inclination of about five degrees. 月球的轨道平面与黄道平面的倾斜大约是5度,这两个平面相交的线在天球上定出了两个点:升交点 与降交点。
- CABC is a plane of symmetry of the cellular structure. CABC是这个格子结构的一个对称面。
- All vertices are clipped by the back plane of the viewing frustum. 所有顶点都被视图截锥的后平面所剪辑。
- A medial line,especially the medial line or plane of the body. 中线中央的线,尤指身体的中线或中央的平面