- plank road alongside cliffs 栈道
- A long plank road appears before us. 一条长长的栈道出现在我们面前。
- The Current Situation of the Exploiture: The spot has a4000 square meters park,500 square meters Tourist Centre and the4 kilometres plank road for the cliff. 开发现状:景区已建成4000平方米停车场、00平方米游人中心,4公里步行游山道。
- At about 1:00pm, Bei Lang said it was close to the bowlder mine, I was confused, it was said there is a plank road built along a cliff hang in the air, but we did not meet. 近1点左右时,北狼说快到玉石矿了我心中疑窦立生,早就知道古道有一截由木板铺就的悬空栈道怎么到现在还不见踪影呢?
- The talented person that fits to get they are true it may be said is elaborative, not hesitate cost, bright repair a plank road built along a cliff, dark spend Chen Cang. 为了获取一个适合的人才他们真可谓煞费苦心,不惜工本,明修栈道,暗度陈仓。
- The Current Situation of the Exploiture: The spot has a 4000 square meters park, 500 square meters Tourist Centre and the 4 kilometres plank road for the cliff. 开发现状:景区已建成4000平方米停车场、500平方米游人中心,4公里步行游山道。
- Scenic Spot keeping intact for thousands of years since Qiang folk customs, Xiqiang first Blockhouses, cliff plank road, Liusuo, Valentine''s Bridge, Qiang intelligence Park is his representative. 景区完整地保留了数千年以来羌族民俗民风,西羌第一碉、绝壁栈道、溜索、情人桥、羌情园就是其代表。
- Together with the scenic spots of the pavilions, the palace gates, the caverns and the plank roads built along cliffs, rocks, caves, and forest present a natural exquisite beauty. 典型的丹霞地貌构成了陡直的屏岩,怪异的洞穴,茂密的森林,加之栈道、阁、门、窟、车等景观,风光旖旎而又自然天成。
- During the following 1000 years, hundreds of caves were carved on the steep rock and sand cliffs: all the caves took shape of honeycombs, linked by plank roads and ladders. 随后一千年间,在陡峭的砂岩峭壁上刻出了数以百计的洞穴:所有洞穴成蜂窝状,其间有木制栈道和梯子相接。
- Unlike the plank road for royal family's vehicles, it is for common people to wander about leisurely. 是城市喧嚣扰攘中的一带洞天幽境,胜似皇家的阁道,便于平常百姓徘徊徜徉。
- It's only five minutes' walk to the seashore plank road and is naturally a superexcellent place for tourist vacation. 此外,酒店拥有各类大中小型会议室,并配备隽永设施可为商洽、会议提供全方位服务。
- Then they walked hand in hand on the straight plank road on the beach delightedly . 然后,两人高兴地手挽手,走在笔直的海边栈道上。
- From camps along the plank road up, be visible along the Xiaohaizi, sea-, Swan Lake, the emerald lake, Lake and other rhinos. 从营区沿栈道上行,沿途可观赏到小海子、大海子、天鹅湖、翡翠湖、犀牛湖等。
- Lang Centre in Connaught, after alighting from here to Mizonokuchi attractions, can walk slowly along the plank road the past. 在诺日朗中心下车后,从这里到沟口的景点,都可以慢慢的沿栈道走过去。
- The Lingshan gold goes against the plank road leisure mountaineering sports swims, Jigong shaoLin Wuxiao the relay station sports swims. 灵山金顶栈道休闲登山体育游,鸡公山少林武校驿站体育游。
- Dissertation on Plank Road Along Cliff and Related Issues 试说栈道及其相关问题
- The car drew up alongside the road. 小汽车在路边停下来。
- He rescued a drowning child holding on to a plank. 他救起了一个紧紧抓住一块木板的溺水的孩子。
- One thousand years later, hundreds of caves were carved on the precipitous sand and rock cliff.All of them took shape of beehives linked by plank roads and ladders. 随后一千年间,在陡峭的沙岩峭壁上刻出了数以百计的洞穴:所有洞穴成蜂窝状,其间有木制栈道和梯子相接。
- The busy road outside the school is a menace. 学校外面那条车水马龙的大道是个危险之地。