- planning of logging control 治涝规划
- I have blocked in a plan of the house. 我已粗略地画出了房子的草图。
- The commander chalked out his plan of attack. 司令官对进攻计划作了粗略的介绍。
- The general grew out his plan of action. 将军草拟了他的行动方案。
- She directed the planning of the festival. 她统管节日活动的筹划。
- He chalked out a simple plan of the new building. 他用粉笔勾画了新大楼的简图。
- This is the lowest level of logging. 此为最低日志记录级别。
- They elaborated a plan of study. 他们仔细制订了学习计划。
- Design of Logging Signal Simulator for CTS. 测井电缆遥测系统信号模拟器的设计
- Maximum amount of log to be redone on the mirror. 对镜像服务器重做的最大日志量。
- I have block in a plan of the house but have give no details. 我已画出房子的草图,但尚未标出细节。
- The plan of the ground floor is completely symmetrical. 一楼的平面图是完全对称的。
- The government has worked out a plan of succoring the needy. 政府已经制定出了救济贫民的计划。
- Let's begin by look at the general plan of this project. 我们来着手看看这项工程总的计划吧。
- Conceptually, the log file is a string of log records. 从概念上讲,日志文件是一系列日志记录。
- I have blocked out a plan of the house but have given no details. 我已画出房子的草图,但尚未标出细节。
- As the number of transactions grows, a set of log files is created. 随着事务数的增加,将创建一组日志文件。
- Our new street plan of the city is inset in a corner of their area map. 他们的地区地图一角插入了我们为这座城市新绘的街道图。
- A plan of reorganization is reported to be now in the works. 据报道一项改组计划正在拟定之中。
- Sleep like a log The cabin was built of logs. 这小屋是用原木建造的。