- Abstract Salicylic acid is an important endogenous signal molecule in the activation of plant defense responses. 摘要 水杨酸是一种重要的能激活植物抗病防卫反应的内源信号分子。
- Remarkable increases in activities of phenylalanine ammonia lyase(PAL) and peroxidases(POX),the key enzymes in plant defense responses,were observed in BNR treated rice seedlings. 受 BNR诱导的抗病性与 PAL和 POX活性呈正相关。
- Plant defense responses induced by insect herbivory 昆虫取食诱导的植物防御反应
- These suggested that active oxygen just is one of the symbols of plant defense response in wheat against powdery mildew, but it is not the decisive and the exclusive factor of resistance. 说明活性氧是植物抗病反应的一个指标,与细胞防卫反应的强度有关,但尚不是细胞抗病性唯一的、决定性的因素。
- Signal transduction of plant defense responses induced by oligosaccharides 寡糖诱导植物防卫反应的信号转导
- Biochemical regulation of plant defense response 植物防御反应的生化调控
Abstract: Transcriptional regulation of defense gene expression is a crucial part of plant defense responses in plant defense environment stresses.
摘要: 在植物抗逆反应体系中, 通过转录因子调控功能基因的表达, 是植物逆境应答反应的关键环节。- The Signaling Pathways of Plant Defense Response and Their Interaction 植物防御反应的两种信号转导途径及其相互作用
- plant defense responses 抗逆胁迫
- This paper reviewed the recent progress of studies on signal transduction of defense responses of higher plant. 本文对高等植物防卫反应信号传导的研究进展进行了综述。
- Induction of Plants Defense Response by Oligosaccharides Elicitors 寡糖激发子对植物防卫反应的诱导
- Plant Immunisation: Comparison between plant defense response and animal immune response 植物防御反应与动物免疫应答的比较及其对应性初探
- Studies of Two Arabidopsis Activation Tagging Mutants, asr1 and dai1, Related to Plant Defense Response and Development 两个与抗病、抗逆和发育相关的拟南芥激发标签突变体asr1和dai1的研究
- ;Cloning of Two Genes Related to Plant Defense Response ofSea Island Cotton (Gossypium barbaden.se L. )[A]; 第三届国际棉花基因组协会(筹)学术讨论会论文集[C];
- At last we focused on the detailed role and new research proceeding of nitric oxide involving elicitor-induced defense responses, and its interaction with other plant signal molecules. 重点介绍了一氧化氮在激发子诱导植物抗性反应过程中的作用,以及它与其他信号分子之间相互关系的研究进展。
- Oligosaccharides, originated from the cell wall of plants and pathogen, can induce defense responses as elicitors in plant cells. 来源于植物及其病原体细胞壁的寡聚糖,可作为激发子诱导植物细胞发生抗性反应。
- plant defense response 植物防御反应
- It has been documented that NADPH oxidase is involved in plant defense reactions to pathogen or elicitor attack and in plant response to abiotic stresses. 近年来的证据表明,NADPH氧化酶参与了植物对生物和非生物胁迫的应答反应。
- The functionary mechanisms of APR through defense responses, defense genes, resistance genes, etc are discussed and the prospect of its development is also expected in the paper. 文章从植物成株抗性中的防卫反应、防卫基因和抗病基因等几方面阐述其作用机理,并对其今后的发展作了展望。
- Glucosinolates and their degradation products have potent biological activities and are likely to contribute to plant defense. 芥子油苷及其降解产物具有多种生化活性,在植物防御方面也有重要作用。