- So the days passed in spring and summer. 春夏的时光就是这样度过的。
- In spring and summer, there are small greenish white flowers. 在春季和夏季,长了呈绿色的小白花。
- planting in spring and summer 春夏栽培
- Some people plant in the spring and leave in the summer. 许多人想春种夏收。
- The Indian families separate in the winter season and reassociate in spring and summer. 印度的家族在冬季分开,到了春季和夏季时再行团聚。
- In temperate zones, potatoes are planted in spring and harvested in late summer. 在温带地区,马铃薯在春季种植,夏末收获。
- Spring and summer will arrive in due time. 春季夏季会循时来临。
- Farmers plough and plant in Spring. 农民在春天犁地播种。
- Rice is cheap in the autumn and winter,but it becomes terribly dear in spring and summer. 谷子秋冬便宜,春夏又贵得厉害。
- The most ancient festivals would celebrate the end of the cold water, planting in spring and harvest in autumn. 最古老的节日总是庆祝严寒的结束,春季的种植和秋天的收割。
- Thunderstorms in spring and summer often come with intensity great enough to cause flash-flooding. 春夏两季雷电交加,猛烈异常,往往顷刻之间暴雨成灾。
- Rice is cheap in the autumn and winter, but it becomes terribly dear in spring and summer. 谷子秋冬便宜,春夏又贵得厉害。
- Dysenteric it is the infection that causes by dysenteric bacili, happen in spring and summer more. 痢疾是由痢疾杆菌引起的传染病,多发生在春季和夏天。
- But the vinedresser also trims the vines back.That is his work in spring and summer. 但是,园丁在春季和夏季里,也需要修剪葡萄树。
- In spring and summer, the mountain is carpeted by rhododendrons of various kinds and color. 在春夏的时候漫山遍野都是缤纷的杜鹃花。
- In spring and summer months breakfast is served in the courtyard, where guests can also enjoy relaxing moments in front of an excellent glass of wine. 随着美好的季节来临,我们在院子里供应早餐,您可以坐在那里放松地度过非常宜人的时刻并品尝一杯美好的葡萄酒。
- This dormouse is running though a meadow. In spring and summer, the meadow was full of flowers, but now it looks different. It is autumn. 这只睡鼠正跑过一片草地。在春天和夏天的时候,这片草地布满了鲜花,但是现在看起来却不太一样,困为现在正是秋天。
- Farmers ploughs and plants in spring. 农民在春天犁地播种。
- In jail, the prisoners get stir-crazy during the spring and summer. 在监狱中,犯人到了春夏就被关得快发疯了。
- According to the quality of rabbit skins flailed in spring and summer,the multiple using technology of rabbit skins for leather and fur was discusscd. 结合春夏季产家兔皮的特点,讨论了对其进行综合利用的途径和用其制作毛皮、皮革的生产工艺。