- The growth of plants under viaduct became apparently weaker than the plants in the sun. 植物生长量明显低于全光照下的生长量。
- plants under viaduct 桥荫植物
- Experts say plants under climate stress will be very open to disease and fire. 专家说在气候压迫力下面的植物对疾病和火将会非常开着。
- The Photosynthesis Effect of Plant under the Water in the Lake on DO and pH. 湖泊中水下植物光合作用对溶解氧和pH值的影响
- The Distribution of Cadmium and Several Micronutrients in Maturated Soybean Plants Under Cadmium Stress. 镉胁迫下大豆中镉与几种微量元素的分布状况。
- Fig.11: Meloidogyne incognita infected gherkin plants under structural cultivation. 图十一、设施园艺内遭南方根瘤线虫危害之小黄瓜园。
- Plants under the seal serf society system in earth SiZhinei, the corresponding cultural decline is the inevitable fate. 就是说,无论弱势文化中的个体生命多么辉煌,但只要他所依附的社会体系已朽坏,在历史潮流冲击下,也逃脱不掉如微尘般迸散落下的命运。
- Plants under way include a 600,000-barrel-per-day (bpd) operation in Kuwait and a 450,000-bpd site in Saudi Arabia. 科威特炼油厂目前的产量是每天60万桶,沙乌地阿拉伯则是每天45万桶。
- A place, especially an indoor enclosure, for keeping and raising living animals and plants under natural conditions for observation or research. 动物园,植物园尤指户外的封闭性场所,用于在自然条件下饲养观察和研究用的存活动物和植物
- This enables the realization of stable control for plants under some sophistic conditions and improves the control performance-robustness. 然后利用模糊补偿解除了多座焦炉集气管压力之间的耦合;
- It is a form of anaerobic respiration and is seen in certain bacteria and yeasts, and also in plants under waterlogged conditions. 它是一种厌氧呼吸类型,在某些细菌和酵母菌以及淹水条件下的植物中都有发现。
- Hence photorespiration of C3 plants under environmental stress leads to a new direction of research in environmental ecology and photorespiration. 因此,可通过调节C3植物的光呼吸规避环境胁迫,这为光呼吸研究在环境生态学领域的拓展指出新的方向。
- Glycine betaine is one of the nontoxic and organic osmolytes which can accumulate rapidly in many plants under salt and other stresses. 摘要向非甜菜碱积累植物导入甜菜碱合成途径是提高植物耐盐性的策略之一。甜菜碱是一种无毒的有机小分子化合物。
- Interestingly, RVT does not exist naturally in these plants but is created by these plants under specific circumstances. 有趣的是,RVT并不自然的出现在这些植物中,而是在特定情况下由这些植物产生。
- The micro sc opic characters of the plants under study were found to vary greatly between spe cies, but were generally similar among the same species. 结果:这些植物叶的上下表皮细胞的形状、大小,栅表比,气孔的类型、分布、气孔指数,叶肉组织中草酸钙结晶体的形状、大小、分布以及针晶囊细胞的形状特征有较明显的种间区别,且较稳定。
- In the U.S., things are actually moving the other way, with three Chrysler plants under consideration for retooling as Fiat production facilities. 在美国,事情其实是移动的其他方式,有三个克莱斯勒工厂正在考虑重组为菲亚特生产设施。
- Steel plant under the net, Hulan Wang plant, the U.S. grid plants, thorns rope factory, is in production and sales as one of the specialized companies. 下属钢板网厂,护栏网厂,美格网厂,刺绳厂,是集生产与销售为一体的专业化公司。
- The plant was growing at an angle. 植物呈一定角度生长。
- Belonging to the Taiwan araucaria plant of fir family,Taiwania flousiana Gaussen is the kind of plant under the first-grade State protection. 秃杉(Taiwania flousiana Gaussen)系杉科台湾杉属植物,是国家的一级保护植物。
- To build the table chicken breeding &hatching farm and chicken feed mill, table chicken processing plant under the project. 新建肉种鸡养殖、种蛋孵化、鸡饲料加工、肉鸡屠宰加工综合养殖加工项目。