- Stability and copy number in host bacteria of a new plasmid cloning vector 一种新的质粒克隆载体的稳定性和拷贝数的测定
- plasmid cloning vector 质粒克隆载体
- These are inserted into a cloning vector. 它们被插入克隆载体。
- Since the plasmid is capable of independent replication in host cells of many dicotyledonous plants, it has been used as a cloning vector in GNETIC ENGINEERING. 在许多双子叶植物中质粒在寄主细胞中是独立的复制单元,所以可以在基因工程中用作克隆载体。
- In GENETIC ENGNEERING, nonviral DNA can be inserted into a phage, which is then used as a cloning vector. 在基因工程中,没有病毒的DNA可以被插入到噬菌体中,用作克隆载体。
- An outline of the procedure for introducing a piece of foreign DNA into a cloning vector is shown in Figure 1. 3. 图1.;3列出了引出一段外源DNA进入克隆载体的大概步骤。
- Objective To clone toxin_coregulated pilus subunit A (tcpA) gene of vibrio cholerae O139 strain XJ93006 and construct the recombinant cloning vector of pNEB 193_tcpA. 目的 以新疆分离 0 13 9霍乱弧菌XJ93 0 0 6株的DNA为模板 ,自行设计引物克隆毒素协同调节菌毛亚单位A(tcpA)基因 (包括侧序列 )并构建重组载体。
- Construction of Brucella Unmarked Deletion Mutant by Using Conventional Cloning Vector as Suicide Plasmid 以克隆载体为自杀载体快速构建布鲁氏菌的无痕缺失突变株
- The PCR products were cloned into T clone vector,and the positive clones were picked out,then the T clone vector was identified by restriction endonuclease digestion. 将扩增的连接产物克隆入T载体,挑选阳性克隆并进行酶切鉴定,酶切鉴定正确的克隆进行拼接产物的核苷酸序列测序。
- 3 .Construction of the cloning vector pSP-hANGAngiostatin PCR product , digested by Xhol + EcoRI,were ligated with vector pSP71 digested by the same restriction enzyme to construct a recombinant plasmid pSP-hANG. 克隆载体pSP-hANG的构建:纯化的hANG PCR产物和载体pSP71分别经XhoI和EcoRI双酶切、连接,构建载体pSP-hANG。
- Methods Clone CN54 Nef gene into vector pThioHisA and transform the constructed recombinant plasmid to E. coli BL21 Codonplus-RIL for expression under induction of IPTG. 方法将CN54 Nef基因克隆至pThio-HisA载体,构建非融合表达载体,转化大肠杆菌BL21 Codonplus-RIL,IPTG诱导表达,通过尿素梯度洗涤包涵体纯化Nef蛋白,透析复性。
- plasmid cloning use 质粒克隆应用
- Large plasmid cloning 大质粒克隆
- To construct fusion gene clone vector:pBluescript SK-CEA signal peptide-EK cutting peptide gene-HBD2 人CEA信号肽-EK位点-HBD2融合基因的构建
- And cloning to the expression vector pET-32a(+) fused with Trx-Tag coding sequence or not, to acquire the recombinant plasmid trx-fnb- pET-32a(+), trx-cna- pET-32a(+),fnb- pET-32a(+) and cna- pET-32a(+). 并克隆于原核表达载体pET-32a(+),分别构建了融合基因表达质粒trx-fnb-pET-32a(+),trx-cna-pET-32a(+)和非融合基因表达质粒fnb-pET-32a(+),cna-pET-32a(+);
- The plasmid pBV220-Arr. could be expressed in E. 成功构建的重组质粒pBV220-Arr在E.
- The recombinant plasmid pUC18 E6 had been got. 获得重组质粒 pUC18 E6。
- A recombinant expressing plasmid pCMV4/TPO was also constructed by cloning the rhTPO cDNA in an eukaryotic expressing vector pCMV4. When the recombinant plasmid was used to transfect the COS7 cells, temporary expression of rhTPO was detected. 将TPOcDNA亚克隆至哺乳动物细胞瞬时表达载体pCMV4,形成了重组表达质粒pCMV4/TPO。 以该重组质粒转染COS7细胞,可测到TPO在COS7细胞中的瞬时表达
- Construct rice expression vector of CTB-ureB fusion gene pCWUN:(1) Fusion and clone of CTB gene and ureB gene: CTB gene and Hp ureB gene were amplified by high-fidelity PCR respectively from plasmid pGEM-CTB and Hp genome, and then they were fused by PCR. 构建CTB-ureB融合基因的水稻表达载体pCWUN:
- Wait for foster mother to give birth to the clone. 等待“养母”产下克隆幼仔。