- Weathering tests for all finishes and all plastic components. 侵蚀测试适用于所有的磨光件和所有的塑件。
- In textile and apparel products,phthatates may associated with lexible plastic components,trims and screen print . 邻苯二甲酸盐亦广泛地用于纺织品及服装上的弹性塑料,装饰及丝印。
- Hoi Fan watches and clocks, is a collection of plastic components production, distribution in one company. 海帆钟表塑料元件是一家集生产,经销于一体的公司。
- Identification,pretreatment and repair coatings of plastic components of automobiles are introduced. 介绍了汽车塑料件的识别、预处理和修补涂装。
- Alcoa Europe brought its electronics, wire harnesses, and plastic components together to create multiple environmental and cost-savings benefits. 美铝欧洲汽车业务部门将电子、线束以及塑料元件整合在一起,使汽车在保护环境和节约成本方面双重受益。
- Its plastic components are corrosionresisting、ageing resisting、light weight and its chains and sprockets can last more than ten years. 它的塑料构件耐腐蚀、重量轻、耐老化并有10年以上连续工作寿命。
- At least three years proven industrial design experience preferably gained in garment accessories, metal components, plastic components or furniture industries. 年以上工业设计相关经验,在服装配件、金属材料,塑胶材料或家具行业的相关经验将被优先考虑。
- The results show that the mold can run reliably and flexibly, the precision of plastic components can achieve the requirements of the design and the external surface is smooth. 结果表明:在合理的工艺参数配合下,模具运行灵活可靠,塑件精度达到了设计要求,外表光洁。
- Xinyu is the company who engaged in various plastic components, soles, bases, parts and molds(including open molds) for footwear products from designing, developing and producing. 企业介绍:鑫宇从事各式塑胶鞋材以及模具(公模)开发设计及生产。
- Production: IG Gasket Technology (Shenzhen) is currently managing a considerably wide range of products, from natural rubber to silicones, from plastic components to rubber / metal bonding. 产品:目前,爱吉密封胶圈科技(深圳)有限公司涉及的产品类型已经相当广泛,从天然橡胶到硅树脂,从塑胶合成物到橡胶/金属焊接等。
- Production: IG Gasket Technology( Shenzhen) is currently managing a considerably wide range of products, from natural rubber to silicones, from plastic components to rubber/ metal bonding. 产品:目前,爱吉密封胶圈科技(圳)限公司涉及的产品类型已经相当广泛,从天然橡胶到硅树脂,从塑胶合成物到橡胶/属焊接等。
- Together with our many years of experience in the plastic injection arena, allows RGE to offer our customers a total solution package by delivering finished plastic components and sub-assemblies. 经过在塑胶行业多年的积累,RGE集团能够为客户提供办公家具桌椅家居和电子行业产品塑胶配件的整套解决方案。
- Several coating processes and selections thereof are introduced.Surface pretreatments of steel or iron components,aluminum or its alloy components and plastic components are discussed. 介绍了几种涂装工艺和涂装工艺的选择,讨论了钢铁件、铝及铝合金工件、塑料件的表面前处理工艺。
- Background in furniture industry, or background with a plastic component supplier will be an advantage. 有家具业工作背景或有塑料制品供应厂商工作背景者将优先考虑。
- The man is carrying a small black plastic handbag. 这个人提着一个黑色的小塑料提袋。
- He is a plastic surgery specialist. 他是个整形外科医生。
- Each of the components is useful in its degree. 每一个元件都各有程度不同的用处。
- Many items in daily use are made out of plastic. 有很多日常生活用品是塑料制的。
- It is some kind of plastic made to imitate iron. 这是一种塑胶,但外观仿制得像铁。
- The fruit is prepackaged in plastic tray. 水果用塑料盘预先包装。