- plastic zone width 塑性区宽度
- The material in the large plastic zone has been hardened. 在大塑性区内材料已经硬化。
- The meta-stable zone characteristics of lincomycin hydrochloride in acetone-water system were studied, and the mathematical model for meta-stable zone width was proposed. 本文研究了在丙酮-水体系中盐酸林可霉素的介稳区性质,建立了介稳区宽度的数学模型。
- It is analyzed that the effects of the crack depth, strength mis matching, weld width and the crack location on the plastic zones evolution at crack tip. 分析了不同的裂纹深度、强度组配、焊缝宽度以及不同位置裂纹的焊接接头试样对塑性区形状发展的影响规律。
- Based upon the near crack-tip elastic analysis, estimates of the size and shape of the plastic zone will be developed. 根据裂纹尖端附近的弹性分析,来研究塑性区的形状和大小的计算。
- The abruptness of the displacement in plastic zone is suggested to be used in the analysis of instability criterion. 以塑性区位移突变作为边坡失稳判据,此时折减系数值即为坡体安全系数。
- In terms of the role of interface layer, when the crack propagates from the stiffer side, the interface plastic zone is larger, tends to delaminate. 相同外载条件下,裂纹由弹性模量高一侧垂直界面扩展,易于满足累计损伤判据,倾向于分层。
- The strength reduction FEM, taking the run-through of plastic zone as unstability criterion, can obtain actual stress distribution and simulate the process of slope failure. 以塑性区贯通为失稳判据的强度折减有限元法,可以很好的求解真实的应力分布和模拟软土边坡破坏过程,是一种值得提倡的方法。
- It is found that the shape of the mode I plastic zone is similar to that obtained by von Mises or Tresca yielding criterion but leaning forward from the crack tip. 结果表明,与宏观断裂力学算出的塑性区形状相比,本文给出的塑性区向裂纹前方倾斜;
- In this paper, the secondary stress, radius and displacement in plastic zone of cylinder tunnel under 3-D stress are analyzed on basis of do u ble shear strength theory. 为此本文利用双剪强度理论分析了三维应力状态下圆筒形巷道塑性区次生应力、半径和位移。
- The distribution of effective stress and plastic zone is analysed for compact tension (CT) specimen in 3-D deformation state using ADINA (AUTOMATIC DYNAMICAL INCREMENTAL NOLINEAR ANALYSIS) finite element program. 本文用ADINA(AUTOMATC DYNAMICAL INCREMENTAL NOLINEAR ANALYSIS)有限元程序;分析了三维变形状态下;紧凑拉伸(CT)试样的等效应力和塑性区分布情况.
- Based on the research of plastic zone development regularity in excavation of deep / large foundation trench, different excavation method should be adopted depending upon their particular conditions. 在研究深大基坑开挖施工中塑性区发展规律的基础上,可针对不同条件的基坑,采用不同的开挖方式。
- Reaction Zone Width of High Explosive by Photoelectric Technique 用光电技术研究高能炸药反应区宽度
- Theoretical Calculation of Metastable Zone Width of Monomehypo Solution 杀虫单介稳区宽度的理论计算
- The man is carrying a small black plastic handbag. 这个人提着一个黑色的小塑料提袋。
- Based on the structure character of the joint, the microstructure of the joint can be divided into plasticity zone, dynamically quiescent layer, heat affected zone and base metal. 根据焊点接头的组织特征可将其分为塑性区、动态静止层、热影响区和母材。
- He is a plastic surgery specialist. 他是个整形外科医生。
- Keywords potassium dihydrogen phosphate(KDP);metastable zone width;Fe3+; 磷酸二氢钾;介稳区宽度;结晶;
- Many items in daily use are made out of plastic. 有很多日常生活用品是塑料制的。
- It is some kind of plastic made to imitate iron. 这是一种塑胶,但外观仿制得像铁。