- The study shows that transfer mechanism conforms to the space truss model. 研究发现厚承台的传力机理符合空间桁架模型理论。
- Workers in the "dirty room" must wear air suits much like space suits. 在“非洁净室”中工作的人都必须穿上像宇宙飞行衣那样的安全衣。
- And by the way, we also both seem to like space science, and the planets. 另外,看来我们两人也都热爱太空科学和星球。
- A huge plateful like that costs only 50 cents. 这样大一盘才50美分。
- The study indicates that the transfer mechanism conforms to the space truss model. 研究发现厚承台的传力机理符合空间桁架模型理论。
- cable-stayed folded plate space truss 斜拉折板型网架
- The post-tensioned and shaped space truss is an innovative kind of space structure, combining traditional space truss with post-tensioning technology. 后张拉预应力成形网壳是传统网架结构和后张拉预应力技术的结合,是一种具有创新性的空间网格结构。
- Based on the research on the post-tensioned and shaped dome, a new forming model of a single-chorded plane space truss with tension is presented. 摘要基于后张拉整体成形穹顶的研究,提出了一种具有新型组成形式的单弦杆平板网架张拉模型,通过试验和非线性有限元分析,对穹顶的张拉成形过程进行了研究。
- Derived from an effective combination of space truss and portal frame, a novel long-span structure named lattice portal frame (LPF) is put forward. 网格状门式剐架结构是结合了立体桁架结构和门式刚架结构受力优点而衍生的一种大跨度结构形式。
- And the simulus it affords to the sense, and a sort of infinitude which it has, like space and time, make all matter gay. 光线不但激活了感官,而且光线好似空间跟时间,有着能把一切都覆盖的性质,所以任何东西只要在光明下都是赏心悦目的。
- Analysis is made on the structure of the space truss compound girder made from steel pipe concrete, and given directly the potential development. 介绍了钢管砼空间桁架组合梁式结构型式,通过分析它的受力特点,大胆预测了这种新型结构型式的广阔发展前景。
- If our friendship depends on things like space and time, then when we finally overcome space and time, we've destroyed our own brotherhood! 如果我们的友谊需要依靠时空来支持,那如果我们真能超越时空,我们就毁去了我们的情义。
- The fast development of the large airplane manufacturing industry promotes the study and design of the roof covering space truss of long-span hangar. 飞机修理设备的改进对飞机库结构的设计提出了新的要求:大跨度、大开口,悬挂吊车的大起重量,这也促进了飞机库选型研究的发展。
- And the stimulus it affords to the sense and a sort of infinitude which it hath like space and time make all matter gay. 光线不但激活了感官,而且光线好似空间和时间,有着能把一切都覆盖的性质,所以任何东西只要在光明下都是赏心悦目的。
- In this model, axial yarns, braider yarns and resin were treated as spatial beam elements.Each unit cell is then treaded as space truss. 其中,轴纱、编织纱和基体均被视为两端铰接的空间杆单元,复合材料用离散的杆单元组成的桁架结构代替。
- Verses from the Koran are written on wooden plates like these with a special ink and pen, the plate is then washed with water, and the holy fluid is drunk by the sick. 古兰经的经文用特殊的墨水和笔写在木板上,冲洗之后的圣水就可以让病人服用了。
- The dome is transformed from a single-chorded plane space truss by tensioning the wire which lies in the bottom chord and has a unique shape. 通过后张拉闭合单弦杆平板网架中的预留缝隙,单弦杆平板网架可以张拉变形为具有很好外观形式的空间穹顶结构。
- And the stimulus it affords to the sense, and a sort of infinitude which it has, like space and time, make all matter gay. 光线不但激活了感官,而且光线好似空间和时间,有着能把一切都覆盖的性质,所以任何东西只要在光明下都是赏心悦目的。
- To resolve the dissimilarity problem of analysis model in flexure-predominant and torsion-predominant reinforced concrete members, an improved space truss model was established. 摘要为了解决以扭为主和以弯为主的钢筋混凝土弯扭构件的分析模型不统一问题,建立了改进的空间桁架模型。
- And the stimulus it affords to the sense, and a sort of infinitude which it hath, like space and time, make all matter gay.Even the corpse hath its own beauty. 光为我们的感觉提供的刺激,以及它如同时间和空间一样所具有的一种博大使得万事万物都能变得多姿多彩、令人愉悦,甚至于尸体都具有它独到的美丽。