- platform of social service 社会服务平台
- The great bulk of social service is performed by government agencies rather than by voluntary bodies, whether Gandhian or other. 不管是甘地还是其他人的运动,大多数的社会服务都是由政府机构来履行,而不是自愿的群众。
- As the maximum subject of social information source and social service,government is confronted with an unprecedented test. 政府作为社会信息资源和社会服务的最大主体,正面临着一场前所未有的洗礼。
- The team engaged in a number of social service in 2004, which has accumulated a total service hours of over 1,300 hours to help the needy people in the society. 在2004年,该企业义工队成员参与之义工及社会服务总时数超过1,300小时,以实际行动帮助社会上有需要的人士。
- He's mute on the subject of social system. 他对社会制度的问题保持沉默。
- Heavy feet pounded on the platform of the blockhouse. 沈重的脚步在掩体台上走动。
- As a new force of social service, the security service of our country grows out of nothing, experiences many years' trials and hardships, is now in the ascendant and becomes the indispensable effectives to social public security system. 我国的保安服务业作为社会服务行业的一支生力军,从无到有,历经十几年风风雨雨,方兴未艾,成为社会公共安全保卫体系中不可或缺的有生力量。
- With the support of the Business Environmental Council (BEC) and the Hong Kong Council of Social Service (HKCSS), the HSBC Living Business Awards 2007 will be opened for all SMEs in Hong Kong. 滙丰在商界环保协会和香港社会服务联会(社联)的支持下,为全港中小型企业举办2007年滙丰营商新动力奖励计划。
- He is totally ignorant of social usage. 他对社会习俗一无所知。
- The article is based on the researches about the definition of the function.The author thinks that directness,levels,and independence of social service are the components of the function. 本文在对大学为社会服务职能定义进行梳理的基础上认为,服务的直接性、服务的层次性和服务的独立性构成了大学为社会服务职能的完整内涵。
- The platform of application is SDT2.5. 选用的开发平台是ARM SDT 2.;5。
- Human ecology is a branch of social science. 人文生态学是社会科学的一个分支。
- This paper is based on the researches about the definition of the function.The author thinks that directness, levels, and independence of social service are the components of the function. 本文在对大学为社会服务职能定义进行梳理的基础上认为,服务的直接性、服务的层次性和服务的独立性构成了大学为社会服务职能的完整内涵。
- Misappropriating the theories of social science. 不正确地使用社会科学的理论
- Apart from broadening his horizon, he has realized that many people in China are in need of social services. 这次服务不但开拓了他的眼界,亦让他了解到内地有很多需要帮助的人士。
- Possibly the same is true of social work? 社会福利工作可能也是这样的吧?
- Mr Yau is the Chairman of the Institute of Social Service Development which aims to promote communication and co-operation of social services between Hong Kong and China Mainland. 他是社会服务发展研究中心主席,该中心致力促进香港和内地之间的社会服务交流和合作。
- Represents the target hardware platform of a type library. 表示类型库的目标硬件平台。
- He is running for mayor on a platform of low taxation. 他以低税收为纲领竞选市长。
- Adventure Ship is a member of the Hong Kong Council of Social Services and is funded mainly by the Community Chest and the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust. 乘风航是香港社会服务联会的成员,主要由香港公益金和香港赛马会慈善信讬基金资助。