- Are we allowed to play catch here? 我们可以在这里练投球吗?
- We play catch with Li Ming's ball. 我们用李明的球来玩。
- Four short trips to our local park to play catch with our kids. 就是我们去当地公园和孩子玩手球游戏的那段路的4倍路程;
- Wang will play catch Sunday and is scheduled to have a bullpen session Monday. 王建民将在星期日进行传接球练习,并预定在星期一进牛棚练投。
- Watch the children playing catch on the beach. 观看儿童们在海滩上玩接球。
- The play caught on and ran for two months. 这个剧很成功,上演了两个月。
- Baseball League - Go to bat and play catch at baseball practice with Blackie and the meimeis. 跟黑人和美眉练习打棒球,跟她们一起做运动。
- Brookie: I wanna play catch with Daddy and Mummy but they are always too busy! Will you play with me? 我想和爸爸妈妈玩接球,但是他们总是太忙!你能和我玩吗?
- Brookie: Yes! I like to play catch! You always too busy to play with me! Catch! Catch! 是的!我喜欢玩接球游戏!可是你们总是太忙而不能和我玩!接球!接球!
- Brothers and sisters are playing catch in a lush, Green field. 小弟弟小妹妹们都在大草地上玩老鹰捉小鸡。
- Playing catch, shooting craps, jawing at each other, making deals. 玩投接球的、掷骰子的、闲聊的、做交易的。
- Due to a breakdown. The production team played catch up all week. 由于机器故障,生产组整个星期都在拼命赶工。
- We should be pro-active and not play catching up all the time. 因为这样下去,我们永远不能超前知道我们下一阶段又该手忙脚乱地追什么。
- Before we play catch up with our supper skinny pop princess, she reveals that she's recently lost weight, down from45 kg to41 kg. 我们这位超瘦的流行乐坛天后透露她瘦了,从45公斤瘦到了41公斤。
- Four short trips to our local park to play catch with our kids. A fraction of the 26 miles he once ran in the Big Sur International Marathon. 就是我们去当地公园和孩子玩手球游戏的那段路的4倍路程;就是冉迪曾经跑过的26英里国际马拉松赛程的一小段。
- Freddie and Flossie are twins. Snap is their dog. They like to play catch together - until Snap decides it's time to play chase! 图书性质:平价/非现货图书(想了解什么是非现货图书,请点击这里)
- But the game was rigged so that after 10 throws, half the students would no longer get the ball thrown to them, while the rest of the students continued to play catch. 但研究者操纵了这个游戏,10次投球后,一半学生无法再接到传给他们的球,而剩下的学生则继续传球。
- The play caught on well. 这个戏很受欢迎。
- The grandstand play caught attention of the crowd just as they were leaving. 就在观众正要离场的时候,那个精彩表演引起了他们的注意。
- Don't play on words, I can't catch the meaning. 你不要玩文字游戏,我不懂。